Chapter 14

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Luck launched towards the man while (Y/n) rushed to the opposite side.

Luck sent his lightning magic while (Y/n) sent her arrow at the man's back. Both of their attacks were covered by smoke which also made a barrier.

"That was a close one," said Lotus. "Sorry kiddos, but this old man can't lose either."

Soon enough, both Luck and (Y/n) were encased in a smoke crucifix. They were tangled in smoke; both unable to move.

"I didn't want to use this because it takes a lot of magic to cast. I'm tired as hell now, but you can't scurry around anymore, can you pup?"

Damn it, I can't move. (Y/n) cursed, how the hell am I gonna get out of this?

Luck was bound; (Y/n) was bound; they couldn't do a single thing. They were completely helpless.

And then, here he was. Asta has come to save the day.

He used his sword to cancel the smoke spell binding Luck and (Y/n).

"Another powerful one appears. Who are you?" Asks Lotus.

"We're teammates!!" Asta shouts.

There they were, the four of them. Noelle and Asta in a front while (Y/n) and Luck we're behind.

"This isn't good... Your teammates are here too," Lotus concludes.

"We're gonna take you down, old man!!"

"No... He's mine," Luck says. "I'm going to beat him on my own."


"Luck, you're absolutely no insane if you want to fight him on your own!" (Y/n) exclaims, "if both of us got caught up in his spell, you can't do it alone!!"

Rushing forward once again, ignoring his teammate's comments, he launches towards Lotus.

Lotus dodges his attack and launches one of his own. Soon to be struck by it, Asta comes in and neutralizes the spell.

"I'll do whatever I want, and I'll continue helping you!!!" Asta shouts, "you're not alone in this!!! I don't know how you think of me. But to me, you're a teammate!!!"

"I guess you're right," Luck finally came to his senses. "Fighting him in a group does seem a lot more fun."

Now then, together we'll take down Lotus, of the Diamond Kingdom. (Y/n) quickly flipped through her grimoire, looking for the certain spell she had in mind.

The four of them were barricaded in a wall of smoke. Even though Asta slashed and slashed, they couldn't get through.

(Y/n) kept on sending spear after spear through the smoke using her spell, Ares' Spears. Yet every time they went through, the smoke-filled the spot which it penetrated.

The smoke was getting thicker and thicker.

(Y/n) didn't keep on sending spears through the smoke to just clear the smoke, she could sense the foreign mana of Lotus. She's trying to pinpoint his exact spot, but with no luck.

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