Chapter 17

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"Now then, let's begin the Valor Ceremony," announced the Wizard King. "Great work from all of you. Now then... You guys can enjoy yourselves with the little I've prepared. Do get along with them."

Everyone's attention was turned to the Black Bulls and the Golden Dawn members that have arrived just moments ago. They didn't fit in there... Not one bit...

"The tension in this room is so thick it can be sliced like butter..." (Y/n) said.

"You're not wrong... Not wrong at all..." Hato responds to her comment.

The Wizard King was busy right after the ceremony so he couldn't do anything to help with this.


I- Imma just pretend that I don't know him... (Y/n) sweatdropped.

How embarrassing, Hato thought.

"Have some cake," Hato offered, gesturing the cake too (Y/n). "It's really, really good."

"Why thank you," she gave him a little head pat making him blush the tiniest bit.

"Dirty slum rat..."

"Why would the Wizard King bring that here?"

"I can't feel any mana from him... I bet he got lucky in that dungeon."

"Even the way they eat is dirty."

"Those little rats don't even get they don't belong here."

Those comments... All not new... The three from Hage have heard it all during their life growing up there... No matter where they went they've heard those disgusting words come out of people's mouths.

"Man, they're not even trying to whisper. Well, it's nothing new." Asta continued to enjoy his meal.

Quite blunt as always, as always.

The boy from the Crimson Lion comments something that they, The Golden Dawn, also has a "rat" in their order of knights.

"In the last dungeon mission, I did better than you!" The boy remarks.

"You have quite the mouth on you kid. For your information, none of us expect anything from that dirty rat. We'll be the ones that bring to fruition sir Vangeance's dreams." Alekder Sander rebuked.

Angered by his superior's actions, Klaus spoke out on his actions of speaking those types of words to different members.

Bringing down Klaus, Yuno, and Mimosa. Mimosa because she was immediately injured and retreated. And for Yuno and Klaus for acting "better" than the rest.

Why did the Wizard King even invite us here? (Y/n) was even more annoyed than usual with all of these arrogant nobles around, sooner or later she was gonna snap.

At the other end of the room, Noelle was being harassed by her siblings.

And there it goes, the water spilling all over dearest Noelle. Oh, how a shame that her beautiful silver hair was drenched with water by her disgusting brother, Solid.

Noelle gasped "Why Solid? Why would you do that?"

"To your own sister!" Said Klaus in bewilderment.

Magic this magic that, not being able to control it, such a disappointment to the House of Silva.

"Dearest Noelle is gonna catch a cold if her hair is gonna stay soaked, Hato? May you dry Noelle's hair for me?" Asked (Y/n) in a whisper.

"I'm at your service."

Hato quickly glided over there drawing no attention to himself and quickly dried her hair.

And still, the rest of the Silva family was spouting nonsense about how "useless" Noelle is. Only if they could see her in battle, that'll show them.

"Pathetic." "How shameful." "A disgrace to the Silva name." "Wasn't killing our mother enough?"

"You don't need to run away from people like this, you were invited here by the Wizard King, so I had the thought you all were pretty amazing. BUT YOU ALL ARE JUST LIKE THE REST!" Asta was mad, mad that even though they were here to be honored as guests just like the rest, they're still being treated like trash.

"Watch cause I will-"

Before he even got a chance to finish his sentence he was contained inside a magical spell.

Of course, Asta dispelled the spell immediately.


As per usual, there's Asta.

Now then, (Y/n) though with a smirk, seems like Asta has got this party officially started.


 (not my art)

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(not my art)

just diluc in a high ponytail

just diluc in a high ponytail

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(not my art)

he's so perfect

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