Chapter 6

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Once that it was announced that they were going to have a one on one battle for the finale of the trials, passing by (Y/n) and bumping her in the shoulder, a noble began to speak.

"You damn rat, how dare you show up me up in the other trials." She spat out, "I'll show you your place when I drag you in the dirt during our battle."

And she walked away; leaving (Y/n) intrigued about what their battle with look like. (Y/n) knows well enough she won't be dragged in the dirt today, well enough to know it will be the other way around.

Hato came flying out of (Y/n)'s grimoire even though she had it closed and secured on her hip.

"Hey (Y/n)!" Hato yelled, "why'd you let her treat you like that?!? You could've done something!!"

"Well if you think about it at all, there's absolutely no point in doing so," (Y/n) explained. "I'll be beating her soon enough, there is no need to make a fuss about it; to make a point right here and right now is stupid just to show my dominance over her."

"Okay then, that makes sense." He said, "would you be needing my help during this battle?"

She shook her head. "No, I'll be perfectly fine with just my grimoire. But thanks for your offer Hato."

With that, Hato came back into the book, disappearing without any other complaints.


The first pair to battle was Asta and if (Y/n) remembered his name correctly, she was pretty sure it was Sekke or something like that.

The first battle began with Sekke using his magic to create some sort of cannon which surrounded him in an orb-like shape.

Asta came running in with no time wasted. He drew his black rusted sword out of his book; slashing the magic cannon that surrounded his opponent.

With that, in an instant, Sekke was brought down to the ground along with his spell disappearing.

Asta asserted his dominance; declaring once again, that he will become the Wizard King one day.


After a couple more battles after it was finally (Y/n)'s turn.

She walked up to the arena along with Kakuraie who was on the opposite side.

Kakuraie opened her grimoire and tried to incase (Y/n) with vines.

"Plant Magic: Vines!"

The vines came rushing towards her from all directions; only to all crash into each other.

(Y/n) was nowhere to be seen on eye level. It was like she didn't even exist.

(Y/n) was in the air; using her mana wings just in time before Kakuraie's vine capture spell got to her.

With her now opened grimoire she casts a spell towards Kakuraie.

"Deity Magic, Hephaestus: Fire Spiral."

Aphrodite (Black Clover x Reader)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon