Chapter 21

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He's crazy, just fucking insane.

(Y/n) didn't catch what the enemies said before they launched their spells simultaneously at Asta.

Asta kept hitting their spells back to them, while doing so he looks like a weird tornado. Very similar to what Yuno would make.

His opponents realized that Asta indeed was the person they were told about, but by who?

Remain calm.

Remain calm.

Remain calm.

Those words can do a lot, especially at an important time. An important time such as in battle.

Flame magic: Emulsion Bomb

Leopold came, pouncing into battle like a lion.

"After what you guys did to my brother," he spoke violently. "Do you think I would be sitting idle?"

Protecting the Captain and the two girls was tough for the young knights.

"You weren't the one we were after, but... We're going to kill you now!!!"

Noelle's eyes and hands left the Captain's body for a moment as she grabbed her wand.

Water Form: Hydra's Nest

"Don't think you'll get away with trying to kill my teammates with me sitting here!!" She shouted.

Looking at her, one of the opponents noticed Noelle was royalty. Specifically from the House of Silva. Knowing this, he decided to take Noelle head-on with his grimoire.

Trees started to arise from the ground creating a forest.

Noelle's attacks got neutralized by his plant spell, but Asta and Leopold seemed to doge it.

They emerged from the forest and charged, only to get hit by another's Wind Creation Magic.

Seeing their bodies hit the ground, Noelle and (Y/n) were shocked.

The only thing they could do before the enemies' backup finished them off was yell.

"W-What? We aren't dead?" (Y/n) said in a confused but relieved voice.

And there they were, in all their might and glory.

The Blue Rose Knights.

The Golden Dawn.

And last but not least, The Sliver Eagles.

"G-Guys?" Noelle was just as surprised too.

"Thanks for the trip to the boonies," a mage from the Golden Dawn said. "None of us would ever dream of doing it, but we combined our powers. I guess you could call it synthesizing."

Once all the rest of the newly arrived knights spoke about their powers combining to travel to the battle, the Captain of the Silver Eagles spoke.

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