Current Spells

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(Y/n)'s magic is very rare, only a couple of people over the past 400 years were recorded to have this type of magic. Her magic is Deity Magic.

With this powerful magic, she can control some of the specific powers and abilities the Deities have.

With Deity Magic she isn't limited to a certain element like Yuno, she can control all of the Deities Magical abilities.

(Y/n)'s usual magic without her grimoire is just a good control and use of her mana. She can create shining things out of her mana.

Things such as doves, butterflies, stars, barriers, can surround her mana around objects to make them float, etc.


Aether's Light
Can create things made out of mana which will glow a golden hue and become bright

Apollo's Arrow
A spell where a golden bow & sliver arrows are summoned

Apollo's Wreath
A healing spell where a wreath will be placed onto/around the person to heal the place(s) needed
Best with one person use

Aphrodite: Mana Wings
When used feathered magic wings will appear on your back and you'll gain the ability to fly
Dove Wings or Sparrow Wings will be available for use

Ares' Spear(s)
A spear made of shining mana will be created and be able for any combat use

Hephaestus: Fire Spiral
It will allow you to shoot fire which will spiral out of your hand


These are all the spells so far that (Y/n) has in her grimoire. Overtime when she trains and conquers new challenges, new spells will appear in the blank pages of her book.


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