Chapter 7

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"I will join the Black Bulls."

Captain Yami's cigarette fell out of his mouth which was wide open from the shock that the girl with so much power didn't choose a squad like the Golden Dawn.

"Why would she choose the Black Bulls?"

"Huh? Why not the Golden Dawn or something?!?"

"She's absolutely insane for choosing the Black Bulls out of all the other options she had."

"Tsk, such wasted potential."

People kept on questioning why this girl picked the Black Bulls out of all squads. Like, even the Golden Dawn requested her; the top Magic Knights squad wanted her to be on their team.

I'm sorry Yuno, but I didn't want to be held back by social standings and rules. I can tell that the Black Bulls are free-spirited and don't give a shit about their reputation.

(Y/n) knew that if she were to join any other squad it would hold her back from her full potential. Might as well have free range than being bounded by status and rules.


Once the entire exam came to its end, (Y/n) went to go see Yuno one last time before heading to the Black Bull's hideout.

"Hey Yuno," (Y/n) called out.

"Oh, hi (Y/n)," Yuno responded to her call.

"I'm sorry that I didn't pick the Golden Dawn, but I know I wouldn't get treated well there anyway since I'm a quote on quote 'peasant'."

"No, no it's fine. You said you'll consider it, and that's all." Yuno had a sad smile on his face knowing that she wouldn't be by his side anymore.

"Well it's almost time for me and you to leave and go on our own paths, but still. I'll write to you every day."

Knowing that (Y/n) cared enough about him and that she'll write to him made him smile the tiniest bit.

"I'll write to you every day, so look out the window and you'll see a magic dove waiting for you."

Atsa exited the restroom and it was now time to take their leave.

"You have some balls making me wait for this damn long for you." Captain Yami said, "how damn long did you take in the shitter?"

Okay ummm, should I interrupt this to make sure Asta doesn't almost die today another time today? (Y/n) thought as she sweats dropped.

"Finral, let's go."

(Y/n) turned to her side to see a brown-haired man which was the same man by Yami's side during the exam.

"Space Magic: Fallen Angel's Hole."

The man named Finral used his magic to open a portal that would take them to their destination.

The captain pushed Asta in the portal making him slam his face into the ground while (Y/n) just walked into it.

Right in front of them was a wonky-looking building which was compiled of mismatched rooms making it look like a bunch of boxes piled on top of each other.

The door bursted open showing the members of the Black Bulls squad.

"Welcome, to the lowest-ranked and worst order of knights, the Black Bulls."

I knew this was gonna be interesting. A sly smirk appeared on (Y/n)'s face, definitely not bounded by status or rules. I'm definitely going to be having such a fun time here indeed.

oh wow, another chapter in the same day? well it is quite short in my opinion

the next chapter will be out asap

hope you enjoyed it so far

don't forget to vote and comment!

thanks for reading!

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