Chapter 12

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Dinner was now served. All nomotatos; just nomotatos, but just made in different styles.

As they were eating, (Y/n) started to speak.

"Father, you really need to buy something else." She sighed, "the children can't live off of these forever you know. They're gonna die of dehydration sooner or later if they keep on eating these."

"What?!!? But they're nomotataos?!?" Yelled Father.

"Yes yes, but now Yuno, Asta, and I are magic knights now, you can buy something more nutritious for them. You know?"


"(Y/n)'s right," Yuno interrupted, "they can't live off of these forever."

The topic of money came up and how they could fix the floors, house, dig a well, etc with it.

"How much did he send?" Yuno asked Sister about Asta's amount.

"Oh! Um... He uhhh." She walked over to Yuno and whispered into his ear.

Once hearing the amount his eyes widened, "when I get my wages this month, I'm sending it all to you."

"Hey Yuno," (Y/n) began, "you shouldn't do that."


"Yes we earn money and should support the church, but with all that, we're already sending they should be fine. This shouldn't be a competition."

"But still- Wait... how much are you sending?!?" He questioned the girl.

"The books I bought today weren't much, and I usually send 75% of my earrings. I gave them the rest of my payment just today."

His eyes widened once again hearing that she's giving most of her paycheck to the church.

"Eh hem. Pardon Salim sir, we really be ought on our way now." Said Klaus which is one of Yuno's squadmates.

"Why what's the hurry? We can stay a little longer, surely. Just think members of the nobility, we have rare opportunities to broaden our horizons here." Salim responded, "please Sister Lily, may I trouble you for another glass of water?"

Sister went to go get him another glass of water, but the basin was empty. Both Yuno and (Y/n) offered to fill it up, only for their offers to be declined.

"No no, it's fine. I'll do it." Said Sister as she smiled at them, "you guys need to chat more, I bet you two especially. You've been busy working with your squads after all."

"Okay then," (Y/n) and Yuno said in unison sitting back down.

"Squads?" Klaus questioned with a puzzled look on his face.

"Oh yes, I'm a new member of the Black Bulls." (Y/n) answered.

"A squad fit for a peasant I see." He spat out.

"Oh no, I got chosen for all squads. I could've joined the Golden Dawn if I wanted, but I did pick a squad fit for a 'peasant'. But at least I don't treat people like shit unlike you nobles," she retorted.

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