Holiday Special

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happy holidays everyone, I do hope everyone enjoys their holiday break.

now then, let's get started with the special


"Come on Asta," (Y/n) yells outside the base, "we're going to be late!"

"Okay! Okay! I'm coming!" He yells back.

It was snowing outside, not too much to affect their trip, but it would slow them down.

"We need to go, hop on."

With her command, Asta hopped on her broom.

The snowfall was lighter now, (Y/n) was able to see a bit more. Making their trip to Hage for the holidays a bit faster.

After a while Hage came into sight, it seemed like a blanket of snow covered the whole village.

"We're home!!" They yelled as they opened the church's door.

"Look! Look! Asta and (Y/n) are home!!" The children shouted as they rushed to them with open arms.

(Y/n) dropped all the boxes in her hands as they jumped into her arms and suffocated her with hugs while Asta on the other hand didn't get one person to jump in his arms.

"We're home," (Y/n) smiled, "and we brought gifts for you."

"Really?! Really!? Can we see!!?" They shouted with excitement.

"Yes, yes. Of course, but you need to wait first. Okay?" (Y/n) responded.

"Okay!" They all replied while they ran around the church happily.

Father and Sister were happy that Asta and (Y/n) were back for the holidays, but they wondered. Where could their dear Yuno be?


"You can go, for a break that is," said Captain Vangeance. "Only for a day, that's all I can do."

"A day will do," replied Yuno, "a day will do just fine. That you so much."

"No problem really, now get a move on." Captain Vangeance said as he continued his paperwork given to him by the Wizard King.

"Yes sir."

Yuno went on his way, packing some of his belongings and gifts before he made his way home. Hage.

Picking up his broom, he launched himself off the ground. The sky was cloudy with snow clouds, but it was a winter day after all.


Yuno just made it to Hage, the snow a bit thicker than when (Y/n) and Asta arrived.

There they were, in the snow. Nash throwing snowballs at Asta as he ran away and (Y/n) making a snowman with Recca, Hollo, and Aruru.

"Look! Yuno's home!!"

Everyone dropped what they were doing and ran to him. Now he was deep in the snow, tackled by the children of the church.

"You guys are going to suffocate him," (Y/n) giggled. "Get off, get off," she gestured to get off of him. "Let's get inside now, it's freezing out here."

With that, they all rushed inside. The snow was on their clothes, mostly Yuno though.

"Father? May you put more firewood in the fireplace for us?" She questioned.

"Of course! Now come, dinner is ready to be served!"

Everybody sat down at the set table. Dishes were all placed and the food was ready. It was like the old times, the times when they all lived in the church. Just like the old times.

Once they've given their thanks, they began their feast.

Looking down at her plate, (Y/n) thought of the good old times. The times when they always had dinner together, all of the times they've spent together, living together as a family for all of their lives. She was truly grateful for this life. A life where she was loved and cared for by the people around her. (Y/n) couldn't wish for more. It was just like the good old times.


She looked up from her plate to see that Father had called her name.

"Aren't you going to eat? You've been staring at your plate for 2 minutes now." Father asked.

"Oh sorry, I was just thinking..." She replied.

(Y/n) began to eat again and make small talk with Sister. Like how's the weather been going, the crops, Father, the children, etc.

The good old times.


"Present time! Present time!" The children cheered as they ran around chasing each other.

Once calmed down, they gathered around and began exchanging gifts. The people of the church bought a book for (Y/n), a sweater for Yuno, and a jacket for Asta.

Now that the three of them were Magic Knights, they had enough money to buy a gift for everyone at the church.

Yuno, (Y/n), and Asta bought the children toys and clothing. They also bought clothing and jewelry for Sister and Father.

"Here Asta," (Y/n) handed a metal cleaning kit to Asta. "This is for your rusted old sword."

"Thank you so much!" He replied.

Asta gave the girl books as his present to her.

"I appreciate it," she smiled. "And this is for you Yuno."

The girl handed him a small box. He opened it to see a golden brooch.

"It reminded me of your eyes when I saw it at the market," she said smiling at him.

"Thanks," he replied as he handed his gift to her.

"More books I see, well thanks."

That snowy day was nice. The fireplace was running, the children were laughing, Father was crying tears of joy that his children were home for the holidays, and this time Asta didn't even get close to proposing to Sister Lily.

Today was perfect, absolutely perfect. It was just like old times, just like the old times.

Oh how they wish it could continue on like this forever. But they must sooner or later return to their bases.

"Happy holidays!" They cheered.

Happy holidays indeed.

and here is your holiday special

happy holidays everyone!

i know that not everyone celebrates christmas so i tried my best to make this neutral

hope you enjoyed!

tysm for the reads/votes

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