Chapter 4

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Hm? What seems to be taking Yuno and Asta to get home. They haven't come yet. (Y/n) thought as she looked out the window.

As she stared into the distance, she saw them. All bloodied and bruised.

In a panic, she rushed towards the church's entrance running towards the boys.

"What the hell guys?!?? How in the world did you end up like this?!?" She yelled at the boys.

"Ummm.. yeah it's a long story," Asta replied scratching his head as his sweat dropped along with Yuno.

"Well then," tapping her foot on the ground, "tell me later. For now, let me try to heal your injuries."

"Deity Magic: Apollo's Wreath." (Y/n) said as her hands pointed towards the boys.

A mana wreath appeared, hovering over Asta and Yuno. Their injuries slowly but surely healed.

It seemed like a miracle, they were as good as new.

"You guys have a lot of explaining to do, but for now let's head home and have dinner." (Y/n) walked off, leaving the boys stunned at their newly healed bodies.


Dinner was served, as per usual it was dry. Extremely dry, maybe they could've done something else. But she couldn't complain much, they were dirt poor and couldn't afford anything else.

After thanking Father and Sister, Asta, Yuno, and (Y/n) headed to a private space to talk.

"Sooooo, are you gonna tell me what happened to you guys after the grimoire ceremony?" (Y/n) questioned.

After Yuno and Asta explained what happened to them, she stood there leaning against the wall.

"I knew our idiot could get a grimoire, it would be ridiculous if he didn't." A grin spread across her face, "good job Asta."

Pride started to fill Asta, happy that (Y/n) was proud of him and that she complimented him for doing well.

Cue some more interrogating from (Y/n) for Asta and Yuno, making sure they were safe and well.


6 months of hard training for (Y/n) has passed, and also a lot of reading. 6 months of working hard training with the magic spells in her grimoire, pure mana control, mana bubble, and of course trying to fly.

It took most of the time she had before the exam training each day with Hato to get the flying in the air down. After a couple of weeks, (Y/n) could fly perfectly and smoothly through the air. Like an angel flying gracefully through the air.

Every time she came home from a long day she would be greeted by Yuno and Asta, covered with sweat and scratches.

It wasn't bad for her actually. With them being slightly injured of some sort, (Y/n) could use the healing spell she had available to heal their wounds. So it was a win-win for all of them.

Over the 6 months, she has almost mastered every one of her spells. Yet she didn't gain any, over the challenges she'll face, the more her grimoire will be filled with spells from page to page.


It was now the morning of their departure. The time when they'll finally take the Magic Knights Exam.

"Take care guys," Father said.

"Yuno, (Y/n), you'll write us won't you?" Recca asked sadly as she knew that they would be gone for a long while.

(Y/n) crouched down to meet her at eye level, hugging her. "Of course, I'll write you every day. I'll send a dove to deliver my letters. So when you see one by the window remember it's from me." She gave Recca a bright smile hoping to cheer her up.

"Of course," Yuno answered.

"I hope you guys have fun," Aruru says.

"But come back soon okay?!" Hollo says.

"We'll come back as soon as possible." (Y/n) responds to Hollo's question.

"Asta will be back soon enough, don't you worry," Nash says.

"C'mon Nash." Asta trying to make a comeback towards Nash's comment but gets interrupted.

"If by some chance, some very small one, you actually manage to make it into the Magic Knights."

"Yeah what?"

"Then I'll start believing that dreams really can come true, that I can become anything I want. And maybe one day I'll become a magic knight too!"

"Now that's the spirit Nash!" (Y/n) gave one last hug to everyone in the church.

After all of their goodbyes and wishes, they head out. Heading towards the Royal Capital.

The Capital, it is extremely far away from Hage. Their journey to take the Magic Knights Exam will be a long one.

Challenge after challenge; terrain after terrain; all types of weather here and there, the Royal Capital had finally become insight.

It may have taken a very long journey, but it was worth it for (Y/n). Seeing the excitement on Yuno's and Asta's faces as they raced off together. Racing to the Capital.

and here you have it, another goddamn chapter

it was mostly filler so i'll be putting the magic knights exam in the next chapter

hope you enjoyed!

don't forget to comment and vote

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