Chapter 23

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(Y/n) left the rowdy group of her teammates after retrieving Hato. She decided to wander a bit more, soon she ended up back at the castle. Was she wandering mindlessly? Or did she have a purpose in mind?

Hmmm... I wonder if the Wizard King is here today. His magic... It's so strange, his magic is awfully familiar. I know I've already been here once before and met him long ago, but even then...

"What's up with you, huh?" Hato pestered, "you came looking for me and now I'm here! Why are you all silent now!!"

"Oh... My apologies Hato. I was..." Her words trailed off, still thinking about the illustrious Wizard King. "I'm just thinking about something. Something that has bothered me for a long while now."

Midair, Hato stopped. Wings flapping steadily, he looked at the young lady questionably.

What could it be this time? He thought.

"It's nothing to worry about if you are Hato," she said giving him a quick smile. "I'll be fine, no need to worry. No need to worry at all."

(Y/n) turned back from the castle, she doubted that the Wizard King would be present today. Well maybe he was, but then of course he is the Wizard King. He's either doing busy work or wandering around the Kingdom looking for some special magic.

"Well let's get a move on Hato, let's go back home."


"That's flying for you, besides it wasn't like it took a long time." She giggled at the guardian or her Grimoire, "it doesn't matter. I'll come back to the castle on a different day, let's just go home now. It is getting late after all."

(Y/n) was right, the sun was soon about to set. She almost forgot she needed to get back and report to her captain as soon as possible too.

Hato huffed, crossing his arms simultaneously.

"Fine then!" He complied with her requests, following (Y/n) back home. Back home to the Black Bulls' hideout.


It was about an hour since the sun has set when she arrived back at the hideout. Surprisingly, it was quite quiet, none of her obstreperous teammates were making a racket.

Closing the door behind herself, she was suddenly jumped scared by Noelle.

"AH!" (Y/n) screamed in surprise, "what the hell was that for?!"

"Where have you been!!" Noelle asked, ignoring the fact that her teammate asked her a question first. "We need to get out of here now!"

Noelle started to speak faster and faster. All of her words started to get jumbled up in her mouth. It was just rapid fire of mumbo jumbo that not even the best wizard could decipher.

"Calm down." (Y/n) said, and repeated over and over.

But what you may have assumed, she did not calm down.

"HUH?! Calm down!! What do you mean calm down?! We have to go now!!!"

Those were the only words the young mage could understand from her teammate before she started shaking her.

Noelle's gripped (Y/n)'s shoulders tight and shook her around while trying to repeat what she just said.

It was pointless, nothing she said could be comprehended by (Y/n).

She was being shaken up badly, not once has she seen Noelle act so outrageously. What could've caused her to end up like this?

"NOELLE!" You shouted, ripping her hands off your shoulders. "What the hell is going on?! You need to tell me, very slowly and clearly. Alright?"

Without a second thought, Noelle didn't listen to her teammate's words, she instead wailed out.

"ASTA AND FINRAL AND LUCK WENT OUT!" She started to stutter, her words started to fall out of her mouth just like before.

"Went out for...?" (Y/n) questioned.


uhhhhhh... so its been a while hasn't it?

mb guys I deleted the app cause it was overwhelming me, but now I'm back?

maybe ill disappear again soon

who knows

thank you guys for all your support and I'm sorry for the super super super late update

until next time readers!!!

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 21, 2022 ⏰

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