A Chip in a Nation's Wing

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"Wait really?!" You exclaimed at Aizawa as he was snuggled inside his sleeping bag on the couch, with you sitting next to him.

"Yes, Principal Nezu agreed to let you enter, after passing an entrance test they have for you." Aizawa responded.

The brightest smile you could muster appeared on your face. You threw your arms around him squealing. Aizawa's face flinched from the sudden contact, but then got a small smile on his.

"Thank you thank you thank you! Oh wait when's the test?"


Your eyes bolted open. "What?! Why are you telling me now!?"

"He just told me today, don't get mad at me." He responded defensive.

Dammit! You thought jolting up from the couch grabbing your cane. "Griffin! Get your gloves!"

"Eh?!" He sounded from his room. "Why?!"

"So you can help me train!"

Aizawa looked over to Nyx and Ankoku who stared at him from one of the chairs in the living room. "What? I asked if you wanted them here, you didn't object." Ankoku with her right eye patch meowed. "Ok fair."


Loud blows were heard from the backyard. Finally the man rose from the couch exiting his bag. The two cats followed Aizawa as he left going to the backyard. You were dealing heavy and hard blows to Griffin's hands as he held up flat boxing gloves. Aizawa sat down admiring your stance, then he noticed that you leg was covered by a cast of gold plain petals. The bottom of your foot to, to the tip of your hip.

"Is that your cocoon?" He asked.

"Hah?" You breathed heavily continuing to punch and kick, with beads of sweat rolling down your face. "Yeah. I only use it like this. If I make it to thick I won't be able to move, too thin it'll break."

"Is there a reason you can't use this to replace cane?"

"It takes a lot of the nutrients her body gets from the sun and sugar." Griffin explained, still taking shots from you. "Once she makes the cocoon, there's no way for her to get those nutrients back. Because it takes away more nutrients than what she eats on a regular she'll just be constantly eating, which at some point won't be so healthy. There's also a limit to how long the durability can hold up, so" You dealt him a hard blow during his explanation. "Y/N can't really make a good solution other than her cane."

Aizawa nodded as he watched the two of you spar. The forms of the both were similar to that of any professional fighter, if not better than any he's seen. He more so focused on your stance, it was firm and strong as if there was no pain in your leg.

"Your dad trained the both of you in boxing?" He asked as he stroked Nyx's head.

"Yeah," you responded panting. "dad was in charge of boxing." Suddenly you sent him a barrage of punches. "Mom, focused on other martial arts."

"Aizawa Sensei," Griffin started as he blocked your kicks.


"What type of test are they giving her?" He asked.

"It does involve combat, but it's meant to test your morals and sense of deduction in a tense situation."

Alright then, so I'll have to smart about it. You breathed out affirming, tomorrow would change your life.


The blue double towered building loomed over you with a majestic shadow. You held your breath at the school campus. The best heroes in the world came from this place. I will be greater than anyone else, even you mom. Promise.

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