A La Claire Fontaine🦋

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⚠️ WARNING ⚠️: This chapter will involve sensitive descriptions of gore, blood, assault, dangerous thoughts and dialogue.

Reader discretion is advised


"The tests are going well so far." You heard beyond the realm of darkness. Your eyes were covered by a cloth as you listened. "Their bodies are.handling the transformations well."

"That's good, the boss will be happy to hear that." Another male said. "But why these kids? I understand the girl, her quirk set up and bodily structure is unique. One in a million. But those boys why them?"

"Well look at their heritage," the first said. "Katsuki Bakugou, his parents both produce chemicals that are very destructive together. His body self preserves, the nitroglycerin slows physical aging, which pears well with the tests we try to make. Shoto Todoroki is a combination of the most perfect quirks fire and ice."

"Then what about Midoriya?" The other man asked as you kept listen through the tightening of your chest.

"Oh, he was just part of a deal we made with his father. He lost his end, we get his son."

Your breath caught in your throat at his words. A deal? Midoriya was collateral? For what?

"Hold on." The other man said before continuing with a quieter voice. "Can she hear us?"

"Oh most definitely," you could feel the other man smile. "Y/N can hear everything within a 5 mile radius. Her hearing is impeccable. Although it is time we left so Professor Naoki can work on her."

At that you heard their footsteps walk away then become quieter. Your hearing was dull, normally you could hear clearly beyond the wall, now it was muffled. Soon it became clear, there were another set of footsteps. This time closer, in the same room as you.

You heard breathing, heavy breathing. It was male, you smelled the air, and didn't recognize the man. It's probably that Naoki guy. You thought as his footsteps stopped.

You could feel him standing over you. Staring at you. Weirdly.

"What are you just standing there for?" You asked him.

The man stayed quiet, you heard him move closer to you.

"Such beautiful skin." He said suddenly as you felt his fingers touch your arm. You shuddered at his contact and moved away.

"Don't touch me you piece of shit." You spat back at him. "I don't know what fucking tests you're trying to make. But I swear to god you'll get your ass handed for it."

"By who?" He asked before his hand landed on your upper thigh. "You my dear? You're not exactly in the position to protest." You felt him move his hand to your inner thigh and it began to creep further up.

"What are you doing?" You asked trying to move your legs. The constraints kept them down. It kept you in place as his hand crept under the gown you wore and further towards your sex. "Stop that, get your hand away from there!"

"Just relax." He whispered as your chest began to tighten. You could feel a cry creep up you throat as you felt him stroke sensitive flesh.

"Stop that, stop that plea-" Suddenly your mouth was covered by tape.

"Keep quiet, you're ruining this for me." He said before his fingers suddenly thrusted inside and you screamed under the tape and squirmed under his touch. "There you go, just relax." The man said with a threatening yet soothing tone as he began to toy around with you.

You continued to cry but no savior seemed to respond. Your body disobeyed you, the action made your body hunger. But then, you were horrified. You, a young girl, the violation made your heart ache. So badly you wanted to tear him apart. But you were stuck, you were powerless.

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