Rival Wings

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Your wings shifted slightly as you slowly stormed through the school hall. First day here, and you were probably more pissed off at him than Mineta. Fluttering your wings, a light pink pollen seeped from them. The rage in your mind subsided as you continued to walk. Of course you were still fuming, he saves you one day, then he shames you the next.

What's his deal with me anyway? You thought to your self. I need to calm down so these wings can go away.

Breathing slow and soft you soothed your mind in addition to the pink pollen. Finally your wings reverted back to your body. The cool wind in your back revealed the holes in your uniform the wings had created. I'll need to request adjustments for this uniform.

Opening the door to the empty locker room you sat down on the bench. Removing your clothes, you lifted your shirt to notice the absence of the flowers you had earlier. That idiot scorched my damn flowers. Getting up once more you walked over to your locker, to the small metallic box. Opening the box were some more flowers you had kept healthy. Finally you were done changing, and were now fixing the flowers into your hair.

You walked out the locker room, and saw Bakugou walking in his regular uniform. Sucking your teeth you turned away from him and walked slowly. His glare was felt on your neck, but you faced forward not entertaining his anger.


"Nigga, don't fucking talk to me." You snapped around to him as he tried to speak.

"What the fuck is your problem?" He yelled at you.

"You're my fucking problem, now leave me alone asshole." Turning away once more, the male tugged at your right arm. Crystalizing your left you swung your claws at, for your wrist to be caught by him.

"The hell, you wanna get your ass kicked!!??" He roared at you loudly.

Before you could respond, you were hit with a wave of dizziness. You pushed away from him, and stumbled on your cane. Dammit shouldn't have crytalized. Punching your head you wobbled a few feet, before Bakugou grabbed your arm once more.

"Leave me alone." Lightly pushing him he held you tighter.

"You're a fucking idiot, you're about to collapse. You want me to let you fall?"

"Well you're not exactly the person I want holding me at the moment." You told him harshly.

"Seriously, you think I'm enjoying this shit? Just walk, dumbass." Bakugou ordered you once more, before you started to walk with him slowly. There were hints of his sweet caramel scent in your nose from the close contact. If anything his smell was what was keeping your eyes open.

The two of you approached a staircase. Stepping down the first time, you nearly slipped if not for Bakugou's grip on you. "Careful dammit." He pulled you up like a rag doll. Then he ripped your cane from your hand before moving himself under you. "Put your damn arms down."

"Calm your ass down." You responded draping your arms by the sides of his neck. He hefted you onto his back, slowly carrying you down the stairs. His spiky blonde hair tickled your nose, and was surprisingly soft. That burnt sugar smell all the more stronger with your nose in his hair.

As he descended down the stairs, your body bounced against his back slightly. Of course that caused your chest to shift against his back, thus pushing his teenage hormones into overdrive. I should've stayed in the damn infirmary, shit. At the bottom of the stairs he approached a vending machine.

"Get the fuck down." He said setting you down against a wall. Bakugou went to the vending machine, and bought a heavily sweet drink, and some candy. Walking back to you he handed the food to you.

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