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A/N: I'm an idiot, I was supposed to release this too for the first five.

The halls were a lot bigger than you thought. Since Aizawa was your caretaker, you were earlier than the students, as he led you to your classroom. The soft fabric of your uniform hugged you closely as Legend sat on your head fluttering her white wings. Soon you stood in front of a giant door with '1A' in the biggest red font.

Aizawa opened the door to the empty classroom. "Your seat is in the top corner over there, wait here til I come back or the students start to file in, ok?"

Nodding your head, you headed over to your seat, as he left the classroom. You set your cane against the wall then shifted into your seat. Your butterfly flew off your head, and onto your hand. With your other hand you stroked her looking forward to the day ahead.

No One's POV

The ashen blonde put his things away with the normal scowl on his face. He looked around the area at the giddy smiles of his classmates. A bunch of extras he thought. Bakugo closed his locker as he passed by Midoriya who shook in fear as he walked by.

The emerald crowned male always feared his childhood friend even now as they chased the same goal to surpass their idol. He took out his notebook and smiled at it as he did everyday. Clutching the precious text, he walked towards his class.

Students were crowded at the entrance peering into the room as if there was something wondrous. Their eyes were riddled with admiration, confusing the few students that walked forward.

"The fuck are you extras gawking at?" Bakugo yelled annoyed.

"Bakubro, there's this really hot girl in our classroom." Said a spiky red haired male.

"A new girl?" Asked a girl with a black ponytail.

"It is probably that potential new student that sensei mentioned last week." A boy with rectangular glasses waving his arm in a robotic motion.

"Wow! Her tits look huge!" Said a small purple boy, who was soon stomped down by a girl with headphones, a bird headed male, and a pink girl.

"Who the fuck cares!" Bakugo exclaimed.

"Not you obviously," started a yellow haired male with a bolt in his hair. "Of course you wouldn't know how to get a girl to fall for you anyway."

The male let off an explosion in the boy's face, making his classmates step back. He opened the door and his eyes shot open like globes at the sight of you. Shock couldn't begin to describe his surprise.

"She's pretty right?" The yellow haired boy asked through his fiery nostrils.

"Shut up! Hey extra!" He called out to you.

"Hm?" You looked over, then gave him a small smirk. "Oh hey Bakugou surprised to see me?"

"Wait you know her Bakugou?" The pink girl asked.

"So what if I do? It's not your damn business." He said stomping into the room.

"What the hell are you doing here!?" He asked, using your ears you heard his real words. This dumbass shouldn't be here with that stupid ass leg. No one wants to fight something that weak.

"I'm not weak Bakugou." You said blandly.

Bakugou's brows furrowed as he fumed to his seat. Some of the students approached your desk with smiles.

"Hey there, names Eijiro Kirishima, nice to meet you." Said the red haired male.

"And I'm Sero Hanta." Said a black haired male next to him.

Flight of the Butterflies (Bakugo X Black Fem Reader)Where stories live. Discover now