Chapter Three

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*Not Edited*

Chapter Three

"Fine, but I need to eat first." He didn't respond and I continued to make my breakfast.

Should I be a polite person and offer him some food?

Hell no, this idiot bit me.

I walked into the living and sat down, Vladamir followed me in and looked around the room distastefully.

None of us said a single word, so how did I decided to break the silence? By eating my food. Wow, I did not realise how loudly I ate my food, why does it sound so loud?

"Stop." Vladamir muttered. I raised my eyebrows and he continued. "Stop eating like that."

I narrowed my eyes at him but continued. I was hungry!

He let out an exasperated sigh as if he was dealing with a child and sat down opposite me.

"Last night was a mistake, it never should have happened." Vladamir said his voice low and serious.

"Yeah, I agree. It was a huge mistake."

"Stop talking, I am not finished."

I gritted my teeth and took a deep breath in. I hated this man.

"I will try to rectify the mess you created an-"

"I created?" I interrupted, setting my bowl of Coco Pops on the coffee table. "You bit me, not the other way round."

"You seduced me, I wo-"

I seduced him?

"I seduced you?" I whispered as I tried to control my anger.

"I am glad you are finally taking responsibility for your actions."

Oh lord, give me strength.

"I didn't seduce you." I screamed at him as I stood up. "You came with us last night for no reason, you didn't have to do, I didn't want you there and I'm pretty sure Nina didn't either but you still came anyway. Then after everyone left, you came back, you asked me to dance. You bit me, you did this! I never should have taken you up on that offer and I never should have slept with you, that was my fault but the rest is you! We're in this situation because of you!"

"Are you done?" Vladamir questioned, looking bored.

"Yes, I'm done. I'm done with this stupid conversation!"

I sent him a glare before I stormed off. Well I tried to, Vladamir stood up and pushed me back onto the sofa.

I looked up at him as he loomed over me. "I am not done. Do not try to leave again, you will leave when I tell you to."

"Screw you, you wanker. I don't need to listen to you." I got up from the sofa with the intent to leave his presence.

Within a second he flipped me over so my face was pressing down on the sofa, my hands behind my back in a tight grip. I struggled to get away from him but he was too strong.

With one hand still holding my hands, he crouched down so he was at my level. With a surprisingly gentle touch, he moved my damp hair away from my face so I could see him.

"Shh stop struggling." He whispered as he stroked my hair. He leaned in so he was only an inch away from my face. "You are going to be a good little girl and listen to what I say."

I looked at him as if he was crazy. "Let me go or I'll scream my head off. My neighbour likes me, she'll call for help."

Vladamir chuckled and brushed his thumb across my lips. Taking advantage of this opportunity, I bit him, hard.

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