Chapter Forty Eight

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Chapter Forty-Eight

It beats only for you.

It beats only for you.

His soft words echoed in my head as I tried to make sense of it. Why did he say that? His words melted my heart, however, my head wasn't convinced.

I pushed him away and he reluctantly let me go.

"Don't." I started to say. "Don't say things like that to me when I know you don't mean it."

His silence fuelled me to continue. "Why do you do that? You marked me, you did this. Every time I feel as though we are taking a step in the right direction you do something and we're back to square one, no, not even square one we go back further than that."

"Tell me why you keep doing this." I told him as I pushed his chest. "You act like you want me one second and the next you're telling me you don't. I can't keep doing this."

The lack of response frustrated every inch of me. Was he even listening to anything I was saying?

"Say something! Why won't you say something?"

My anger dissolved into a puddle of sadness. "This isn't fair, I won't live my life like this. You want to know why I kept Selene's card, I wanted to have an option of transferring the bond. I'm stuck with someone who doesn't want me and I can't leave."

Vladamir finally spoke. "I do want you Leanne." He let out a chuckle. "When have I not wanted you?"

He wasn't making any sense, he clearly told me a couple of days ago that he did not want to be with him.

"You're not making any sense! I asked you the other day and you said no. What do you mean, 'when have I not wanted you?' Your words and actions clearly show that you don't want me!"

Vladamir sighed. "May I sit?"

"No." I snapped. Vladamir ignored me anyway and pushed away the half-eaten chocolate bar and sat down.

"I know what I have done to you was wrong. I am not a good man."

No shit!

I must have displayed my thought on my face as Vladamir let out another chuckle. "I knew you were mine before I ever laid my eyes on you."


I blinked a few times. What did he mean by that? "I don't understand."

He reached out and stroked my face. "I saw the face of my mate, your face a hundred years ago."


"I know this is very confusing, will you let me explain?"

I nodded as I didn't think I could speak at the moment or have any idea on what to say.

"My family had a very long history with Witches, while the other Lycan packs steered clear of Witches, we used them to our advantage. I have made a lot of enemies throughout my life and the worst kinds were Witches."

He paused slightly before continuing. "They hold onto grudges and anger, never forgetting. Even after they die, the spells and curses they brewed while they were alive still lingers."

The hand that was stroking my face moved lower so it was now brushing my lips. "Every time a Witch cursed me, she cursed my mate too. I did not care as I had no intentions of ever taking a mate. After a while my curiosity got the better of me and I began to think of my mate, if I would ever see her and what she looked like?"

"I thought Lycan's don't have predetermined mates." I whispered, hoping my questioning wouldn't stop his explanation.

"It is not the same as Werewolves or Shifters. Our soul will yearn for the one made for us and they are our soulmates, however, we can choose to ignore our souls and find another. We are not bound to our other halves the same way Werewolves and Shifters are, they cannot choose, we have the option. Of course once we have marked and mated, we are now bound to each other forever."

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