Chapter Sixty Two

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Chapter Sixty-Two

As I leaned closer to hear the answer, a little tap on my shoulder had me jumping up in the air.

"Shit." I gasped as I clutched my chest in order to calm my racing heart down. "You scared me."

A small apologetic smile graced Joseph's face. "I apologise, I did not intend to frighten you."

Before either of us could say anything further, the door that was only slightly open a few seconds ago, was now wide open and all five Lycans were staring at me.

"Leanne." Vladamir was the first to speak. "What is it? What do you need?"

"I want to go see my mum. She's been on her own for too long." I quickly explained, avoiding the sympathetic gazes I was receiving from all the Lycans in the room. I didn't want their sympathy, I wanted their help to find the bastards behind all this.

"We shall leave in an hour, we have more to discuss."

I shook my head. "I'm not going to wait another hour. I told her I would be right back."

"You cannot leave the premises on your own." Vladamir's tone was harsh and firm.

Rolling my eyes, I said. "I'm not stupid, I'm going to go on my own."

"We shall leave in an hour Leanne." Vladamir tried again but I wasn't having it.

"No. I want to leave now."

"I shall take her." Luca offered much to Vladamir's dismay.

"You will not take her anywhere."

All the other Lycans in the room let out a groan simultaneously. "Not again." Alexander muttered shaking his head.

Vladamir was possessive and overprotective at times when it came to me but for some reason he seemed more uptight when Luca was around. With the other Lycans he didn't seem to be fussed about having them around me but it was different with Luca.

I wonder why.

"Thank you, that would be great." I took Luca up on his offer, I didn't want to wait around for an hour for Vladamir to finish up. I wanted to go see my mum now and I didn't care who took me there.

"No." Vladamir snapped. "Go back downstairs, I will take you when we are done."

"If Luca is offering to take me, why can't I go with him? He's a Lycan just like you, he can protect me just like you."

For some reason this was not the correct thing to say as Vladamir's eyes narrowed dangerously and his jaws clenched tightly.

Just as Vladamir was about to talk, most likely argue, Jospeh interjected quickly. "We will not be too long Leah, it will not take an hour. Once we are done, Vladamir will take you to see your mother. She is safe in the hospital, Vladamir has guards stationed everywhere."

"Okay but !-"

"If they suspect anything, anything at all, they have been instructed to contact us immediately."

Joseph's words were comforting and reassuring causing me to step down from the argument I was gearing myself up for. "Okay. I'll wait for you guys to finish up."

Surprise flitted through Vladamir's eyes briefly before it went back to its usual guarded, blank look. Turning to leave, I paused slightly as I remembered what they were discussing before Joseph gave me a heart attack.

"Who were you talking about before?" I queried as I turned to face the Lycans again.

All five of the Lycans that were standing inside Vladamir's office stared at me with no expressions on their faces as if they hadn't heard the question I had just asked.

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