Chapter Sixty One

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Chapter Sixty-One

Break your mate bond with Vladamir Dufara

This was what this was all about- Vladamir. I already had an inkling and so did everyone else that this had to do with Vladamir but this message confirmed our suspicions.

How am I supposed to break the mate bond?

My hands were trembling as I typed the question, I knew there was a way of breaking the mate bond but I didn't know if I could actually go through with it.

The reply was almost instant as if they knew I would ask that question.

You're a smart girl, figure it out.

"Who are you texting?" Nina voice broke my thoughts and I locked my phone and put it down, away from her prying eyes.

"No one, just a friend." I said causally with a shrug.

"Is everything okay?" She repeated the question again.

"Yeah. I'm fine." I uttered the same response as before.

Nina didn't drop her questioning. "Are you sure? You don't look fine."

Of course I'm not going to look fine! I wanted to snap at her. My parents were brutally attacked, my dad died as a result, someone stole his body and that someone is now sending me messages and telling me I had to break the mate bond in order to get my dad's body back.

Fine is the complete opposite of what I am right now.

"Can you stop asking me questions? I don't want to talk about it right now." My words came out harsher than I expected causing me to feel slightly guilty when I saw the hurt look on Nina's face. "I'm sorry." I apologised with a sigh. "I'm just on edge."

She nodded and gave me a look that suggested she understood what I was going through but she had no idea what it was like for me. Nina had a tough introduction to the Lycan world, I can't deny that but this was different, my dad died because of what I had got myself involved in.

No matter what anyone said, that was a fact. If I hadn't gotten involved with Vladamir none of this would have happened. It wasn't Vladamir's fault, a great deal of things were, but this was not it. I knew what he was like and the potential risks of being in his life, this was on me.

For a brief second I debated on whether or not I should tell her about the new messages I had just received but decided against it, as awful as this may sound there was nothing she could do about it and I didn't want to listen to the pep talk either that I knew would come my way once I told her.

"Anyways let's go back to you and Vladamir. You were going to tell me everything." Nina changed the subject swiftly and I was grateful for it.

Surprisingly enough relaying what had transpired between Vladamir and I over the weeks was actually a very good distraction and therapeutic. Whilst we were talking I allowed myself to give into the distraction and forget about my worries that were hammering down in my head.

It felt good to laugh over trivial things and for the first time in the last few days I felt carefree and happy. Well- as happy as my distracted mind would allow me to be.

Once we were done discussing my relationship, we began talking about Nina and Gabriel as well as all the milestones Riya was hitting. The conversation didn't pique my interest no matter how hard I tried but nonetheless it was still a good way of occupying my mind and time.

However, after spending half an hour talking about babies, I was starting to get restless again and the wall I had put up to stop myself thinking of recent events started to come crumbling down.

The Lycan's MarkOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora