Chapter Fifty Two

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Chapter Fifty-Two

There's someone behind you.

As soon as those words registered with my brain, which didn't take long despite how hazy and panicked it was, I spun around quickly. My swift and sudden movement and the blood that my coating my hands and body acted as a lubricant making my body slide on the kitchen floor slightly.

Gathering my bearings, I looked up to find no one there. My eyes darted around the kitchen and the entrance, expecting whoever my dad saw to jump out.

I could hear the woman on the phone asking me further questions and my dad struggling to talk. With shaky hands, I hoisted myself up from the ground and stood up. My legs felt weak and were trembling as if I hadn't used them in a long time.

Mustering up all the courage I had I ran over to the block where the knives were kept, being extra watchful of my steps so I didn't lose my footing on the cold, slippery blood-coated kitchen floor.

Squeezing the handle of the knife in my grasp, I began to take small steps as my eyes darted around, alert and ready for the attacker who could still be here.

"Leah." My dad called out, his voice weak and full of pain. "Run."

I looked back at my dad who was struggling to get himself up in a sitting position, each movement, whether big or small was followed by groans of pain.

"Dad, don't move, just stay there. The ambulance will be here soon, you and mum are going to be fine." I tried to reassurance him despite my words lacking any real energy.

Ignoring my dad's moans of protest and whatever the hell the woman on the other end of the phone was saying, I began to make my way out of the kitchen, my palm still grasping onto the knife tightly.

My heart was thumping inside my chest so loudly and quickly that it actually hurt. Peering into the hallway, my head bobbed around trying to find any signs of the attacker but there was none. Feeling slightly more confident, I took more steps into the hallway, my whole body on red alert.

There was no one around and when I went inside the dining room to check it out, it was empty too. Maybe my dad had made a mistake? Maybe he thought he saw someone when in reality he was having flashbacks or seeing things?

Despite my thoughts I knew I still had to double check, the attacker could still be here and they could strike again. Once I had inspected the living room, I let out a sigh of relief. No one was here, the attacker or attackers were gone.

Quickly making my way back to the hallway I paused when I heard a sound. Putting my hand over my mouth to reduce the sound of my heavy breathing, I cocked my head to the side and waited. Did I actually hear something? Was it just my imagination?

My ears perked up as it caught the small thudding sound again. It wasn't my imagination, someone was here!

The sound wasn't coming from this floor, it was coming from upstairs.

Looking up at the staircase, I removed my hand that was covering my mouth and switched the light on leaving my bloodstained fingerprints on it.

I took a step and hesitated. Was I making a mistake? Was this a trap? What if there were multiple people there? Even if there was only one person there, what was my plan? What would I do when I saw them?

Attack them the way they attacked my parents? Kill them?

I shook my head as if to physically shake those thoughts away from my head. No, I had to see if they were still there, I had to know who did this to my parents.

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