Chapter Fifty Four

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Chapter Fifty-Four

It had to be bad news or else why wasn't Vladamir saying anything?

"Is it my parents? Do you have an update?" I questioned as I held my breath waiting for his answer.

He stared at me blankly without answering any of my questions.

Why the hell wasn't he answering any of my questions?

"What's wrong with you!" I shouted, my voice projecting the frustration and anger I was feeling. "Why aren't you saying anything?"

Where they...dead?

No, of course they weren't dead! I was being absolutely ridiculous, they were injured yes, but they weren't hurt that bad.

They were soaked in blood though, it was everywhere and all over the floor. Can people survive after losing that much blood?

"Put your shoes on, we are going to the hospital." Vladamir finally spoke but his words brought me no comfort only dread.

"Are they okay, Vladamir?" I asked him softly as I approached him. "Please tell me they're okay."

"They are stable."

Stable? What did that actually mean? Does that mean they're okay for now? Or that they're okay and they will continue to be okay?

Grabbing a pair of socks, I put those on quickly before putting on my trainers. My trembling hands struggled with the laces and I groaned out in annoyance. "Fuck."

Vladamir gently brushed my hands away as he kneeled down in front of me, with quick and swift movements he tied up both the laces before standing up.

In silence we both walked out of my bedroom, Vladamir leading the way and me following him. Mikhail and Thalia were no longer in the kitchen as we walked past it, it was empty.

As soon as we got into the car, Vladamir turned the car on and began to drive away at an illegal speed. I didn't reprimand him like I normally would, I was glad he was driving fast as I wanted to get to the hospital as quickly as I could.

"The attacker was a Werewolf, he had to be." I told Vladamir suddenly, breaking the silence between us.

"Perhaps." Vladamir simply said.

"Or a Shifter. He definitely wasn't human. A human wouldn't be able to jump out of a window like that without injuring themselves. Plus he had my knife wedged in him somewhere, that should have seriously hurt him and slowed him down."

The car was silent again and for some reason I had the urge to keep talking.

"He knew my name, he said it." Looking out the window I could see that we were only 10 minutes away from the hospital. "It wasn't a random attack, it was deliberate."

Not only did he know my name but nothing in the house looked like it was missing. If it had been a burglary gone wrong the house would have been in disarray, everything would have been all over the place and all valuable items and goods would have been gone.

Nothing in the house was out of place, it looked exactly how it usually looked except for the kitchen. My body shuddered as my cruel mind flashed a picture of the kitchen in my mind.

"Are you cold?" Vladamir noticed my shiver and mistook it for coldness. Without waiting for a response he turned the heating up.

Please be okay, please be okay.

I kept saying those words in my head and over again until we finally reached the hospital parking area. Without waiting for Vladamir to fully stop, I got out the car and slammed the door behind me.

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