Chapter Twenty-Three

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Chapter Twenty-Three

No she couldn't be, there was no way I was pregnant. I would know if there was something growing inside me.


Nina's craziness must be rubbing off on me if I was entertaining the idea. The lame prophecy Alexander mentioned wasn't real, sure there were some coincidences but that's all they were, coincidences.

Vladamir and I made a mistake with the marking and mating and though I am a little surprised and confused about Luca that didn't mean anything. Nina could have misheard him or something else could be going on. Either way the Lycans have been alive for so long, some of them will start to settle down whether it's on purpose or accident.

Nina and Gabriel's situation was an accident, neither of them planned on having a baby and then mating with each other. It's bound to happen to the others, we couldn't think it's the so-called prophecy every time something happened.

I turned to look at my crazy friend and uttered the words slowly and clearly so she understood. "I am not pregnant. I am not going to take a pregnancy test and there is no prophecy."

"I think you're wrong." Nina argued back. "I think you should check just in case."

"There's no poin-"

"Look just take one and then we can put both our minds at ease." Nina interrupted as she stood up.

"Both our minds?" I raised an eyebrow and copied her by standing up too.

"Okay fine, my mind. I'm so excited about this! I have some pregnancy test upstairs."

This time it was my turn to lose my shit. "What? Why do you have pregnancy tests here? Oh my god, are you pregnant?" My eyes immediately went down to her stomach, she didn't look pregnant but then again she didn't at the start of her first one.

"No!" Nina laughed. "We had a scare a month ago and I thought it would be a good idea to keep some at home just in case."

I eyed her warily. "You're not planning on having another baby are you?" I wasn't sure how I felt about that, there was so much chaos with one baby another would definitely be a disaster.

"No, not for a long time. Like I said we had a little scare and it's good to have some just in case."

I silently followed Nina into her bathroom, thankfully Gabriel was with Riya in her nursery so we didn't have to explain to him what we were doing. Or he could have been in their bedroom, heard all the commotion and decided to go to Riya's room to avoid us.

It felt like déjà vu except this time instead of me pacing around the bathroom it was Nina. I didn't like the look on her face, she looked too excited about this.

"What does it say? Imagine it's positive, our babies will be best friends!"

If the test said I was pregnant which I highly doubt it would, I don't think I would keep it. It was hypocritical of me to say this considering how I went in on Nina for wanting an abortion but there was a difference between us when it came to this. Nina had always been pro life and I knew at that moment when she found out she was carrying a non-human baby she panicked and blurted out that she wanted an abortion without thinking and once she got over the shock she would want to keep the baby and I was right. She did want to keep the baby it was just for a little bit where she was unsure about her decision not that anyone could blame her, she had just found out that Werewolves were real, her baby daddy was one and the baby she was carrying would be one too. Anyone in her situation would panic and make rash decisions and rightly so.

I on the other hand believed that babies should only enter this world if the parents want it and are stable in every way. Not everyone would agree with me on this but child neglect and abuse is so prominent everywhere. Why bring a baby in this world if you don't want it or can't look after it?

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