Chapter Six

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* Not Edited*

Chapter Six

"Hello Leanne."

I'm going to kill that bastard!

"Nothing to say?" Vladamir cocked his head to the side and continued smiling.

"Fuck you." I screamed but the words were muffled by thick cloth around my mouth. He clearly planned this kidnapping and I was so pissed off at him.

Did he not think how I would feel? How petrified I would be? Why did he do this?

Vladamir's smile got even larger as he came closer to me and the man holding me relinquished his tight grip and stepped back.

Surprisingly, his touch was gentle as it grazed my cheeks. His fingers touched the cloth over my mouth and he removed it slowly.

"What the hell is wrong with you?" I snarled as soon as the cloth was out of my mouth. "Why did you do this?"

"Were you scared?" Vladamir questioned. "I can hear your heart racing."

"You arse! I'm going to kill you!"

Vladamir chucked and looked over to the man who was standing there watching our interactions. "Put her in the car."

"No! Someone help me!"

"Shut her up too." Vladamir said as he walked over to the driver's side of the car.

I didn't bother to struggle this time as I knew there would be no point. Once we were both in the car the man handed Vladamir my phone before shutting the door.

Vladamir looked over towards me and tapped the cloth around my mouth. "I am going to remove this, if you start screaming I will put it back on. Do you understand?"

I didn't answer instead I just glared at him.

"I need an answer Leanne." Vladamir told me as he put my seatbelt on. "Will you be a good little girl?"

I threw him a dirty look before nodding my head. He took the cloth away from my mouth and then started the car.

"Where are we going?" I asked as he started driving like a crazy person.

"I am taking you home." Vladamir simply answered.

I closed my eyes and took in a deep breath. I really want to swear the shit out of him, I really did but Vladamir was unpredictable and I wasn't sure how he would react. The best thing to do would be do it later when I was safe at home.

The journey to my house was quiet and all I kept thinking about was what could have happened if I really was kidnapped. Everything had seemed so normal and safe, I did the right thing by not driving home and I called an Uber instead of walking and yet it was so easy for Vladamir to orchestrate this.

I had no idea why he did this. Was it a game for him? A joke? Did he enjoy scaring me?

Now that we are mates I would see more of him, even though he said he would break the bond I wasn't delusional and I knew that was practically impossible.

Vladamir would be in my life forever, we would always be connected.

He pulled up in front of my house and stopped the car. Without sparing a glance, he got out of the car and within seconds was at my side, opening the door for me.

"I need help with the seatbelt." I muttered not making eye contact with him.

Silently he undid my seatbelt and helped me out of the car. He knelt down and ripped apart the zip tie around my feet. His hands trailed up my legs and I stumbled back almost falling onto the car.

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