Chapter Thirty Eight

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Chapter Thirty-Eight

I felt my heart stop as my eyes zoomed in on the weapon in front of me. A gun. The man was holding a gun.

The world around me stopped and all I could think about was the gun in front of me. My surroundings were a blur and the only thing on focus was the gun, not the man holding the weapon but the weapon itself.

Weapon focus. That's what this was, the concentration on a weapon by a witness of a crime and the subsequent inability to accurately remember other details of the crime.

With much difficulty I tried to pull my focus away from the weapon being held in front of my face and pay attention to what was actually happening and my environment.

Was it fake? Was it real? I had never seen a gun before so I had no idea what to look for.

"What do you want?" My voice came out hoarse and croaky.

Don't panic Leah, don't panic. Think!

"You're going to be a good little girl and come with us quietly." The man with the gun told me, his hold unwavering.

Yeah, like I was going to be dumb enough to do that!

"What do you want?" I repeated, my eyes darting around to find something, anything, to help me get out of this situation.

"Move." The man took a step closer causing me to automatically take a step back.

I had briefly forgotten about the other man behind me who was now straightening up. It was daytime and though there wasn't many people nearby that didn't mean no one was around. Someone could see me or hear me and come to help me.

It was a risk angering them but what choice do I have?

Taking in a deep breath, I let out an ear-splitting scream.


"Shut her up!"

Both men pounced on me and I ran, I ran as fast as I could eager to get to somewhere with people around. Surely they wouldn't do anything with other people around?

Shoving my phone back in my pocket, I looked back to see them gaining on me. I couldn't use my phone to call the police or Vladamir, it would slow me down and I was already slow as it is.

I barely got far before hands roughly grabbed my body forcing me to stop. I was getting ready to scream again when a hand clamped over my mouth.

"Try that again and I'll blow you're fucking head off!" One of the men snarled into my ear as something hard dug into my stomach.

Resisting the urge to tell the dumb arse that he was pointing at my stomach not my head, I tried to wiggle out of their hold but it seemed impossible.

"If you scream again and someone come and tries to help you, I'll kill them. That will be your fault, their life will end because of you."

I nodded as I swallowed harshly. As much as I wanted someone to have heard my scream and come and help me I didn't want anything to happen to them.

"Do as we say and no one gets hurt. Understood?"

A hand was still clamped over my mouth so I could only nod that I understood. The man removed his hand from my mouth but still kept the gun at my side.

"Move." The man pushed the gun into my side causing me to wince.

I did as he asked and walked alongside him. My body was panicking, going into overdrive and I was trying my best to keep calm and think of a way out of this. I had my phone on me, they had yet to take that and I had to make sure that remained hidden. It was my only chance to get out of here.

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