Chapter Twenty-Eight

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Chapter Twenty-Eight

He was going to transfer the bond to someone else?


Was that even possible?

How is that possible?

Questions upon questions filled my head as I tried to make sense of what Vladamir had said. Vladamir is known to say crazy and wild things but this was different, this was on another level. For what was probably the first time ever Vladamir looked at me patiently as I continued to try and process it.

"I-I don't understand." I finally said, my voice low and filled with confusion.

The look of patience on Vladamir's face vanished. He muttered something in another language and stared at me as if I had the mental capacity of a five-year-old. "I am going to remove the mate bond between us." He paused before adding. "Do you understand?"

I threw him a dirty look. "I got that part! What I don't understand is what you meant by transferring the bond to someone else."

"What part of that do you not understand?" He continued to stare at me as if I was stupid.


"How can you 'transfer' the bond to someone else? How is that possible?"

Instead of answering Vladamir looked down at his phone. "Let's go."

"Why aren't you answering me?" I questioned as I followed after him. Vladamir didn't bother to turn back or look at me as he continued to walk through the house. "Vladamir! Vladamir!"

His reluctancy to answer the question was starting to worry me. Vladamir didn't give a shit about me and I was scared that the way he would 'transfer' the bond would mean that I would end up getting hurt. I don't think he would do anything that would cause him pain but I on the other hand was free game.

I followed him out of the house to his car, calling his name while he ignored me. Having enough of his ridiculous behaviour, I pulled on his arm to stop him from moving. "Vladamir!"

He finally stopped moving and turned to face me. "Yes Leanne?"

He responded so calmly and casually as if I hadn't been calling him for the last couple of minutes. This man really got on my nerves!

"Am I going to die from it? Is that why you haven't told me how it works?" I didn't want to die, not yet anyway. I was young and there were so many things I wanted to do and so many series I wanted to watch on Netflix.


"No, what?" I asked, waiting for him to elaborate.

"No you will not die." He said as if it was the most obvious thing ever. He pushed my hand off his arm and unlocked his car door. "Get in."

I obeyed his command and got in, buckling up my seatbelt as I did. "How do I know you're telling the truth?"

Vladamir started the car as he answered my question. "To break the mate bond I will have to kill you, you are not dead so that should indicate to you that as of this moment I do not want you dead. Why would I go to the trouble of transferring a bond when I could just kill you if the end result was the same?"

What he said made sense but I was still sceptical. The whole thing was bizarre and unreal. If it was possible to transfer the bond why had no one done it before? Why hadn't Gabriel when he accidently marked Nina?

"Why didn't Gabriel 'transfer' the bond to someone else when he marked Nina?" If I remembered correctly there was a few months in between his marking her and them fully completing the mate bond. That would have been an ideal time to break or transfer the bond.

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