Chapter Sixty Three

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Chapter Sixty-Three

"What?!" This time it was me who was shouting and breaking people's eardrums not Nina.

"It has to be right?" Nina's face was filled with excitement and happiness.

"Okay first of all, Victoria is dead. You can't lure out people who are dead. And second, do you not remember Victoria? Even if she was alive, why would you be happy to have her here? She was crazy and she stole babies. She'll steal yours."

"She had her reasons."

I blinked rapidly as I stared at my friend who had clearly lost her mind. "She had her reasons?" I repeated what she said slowly.

"Yeah. Now that I have a child of my own, I can't imagine the pain of losing my baby. Grief makes people do crazy things."

"Oh yeah, that makes sense! I'm so full of grief and devastation over losing my baby that I'm going to steal someone else's baby and make them feel that same grief and devastation."

"I'm not saying what she did was right, I'm just saying I can see it from her point of view." Nina defended herself and the baby stealer.

Wow. Babies do really make people crazy.

I doubt she would be saying that if someone stole her baby!

"She's dead. She's been dead for months."

"We don't know that for sure."

I stared at my friend incredulously. Was she actually being serious?

"Nina, Victoria is dead." I said the words slowly.

"Says who?"

"What do you mean, says who? Everyone!"

Nina gave me a pointed look as if to suggest that I was crazy when in actuality she was the one who was losing it. "Only one person came back that day and told us she was dead. No one saw her die, no one saw her body, how do we know she's actually dead?"

Before I could say anything, Nina continued. "Vladamir is the one who told us she died and now he's trying to find her again. Who else's attention can be grabbed with a Lycan pregnancy?"

She sounded like a lunatic, one of those conspiracy theorists who find tiny connections, find other points that coincidently work in their favour, join them all up and make it into something big.

"Are you hearing yourself?" Shock and disbelief were evident in my voice. "You sound insane."

"Just think about it for a second." Nina tried to convince me. "No other Lycan said she died, it was only Vladamir who said he 'saw' her die. From what I remember Gabriel telling me, he barely went into any details about her death, only told them that she had died."

I did think about it for a second, then another second and then more seconds. The more time I spent thinking about what Nina was suggesting the more I began to doubt everything.

That's how conspiracy theorist get to you, they plant a seed in your mind and let it fester until you're absolutely convinced what they are saying is true and factual.

It couldn't be true right?

If it was true, a big if, the prominent question would be why? Why did she 'die'? Why did Vladamir say she died? Why did Vladamir go along with it? Why didn't she just leave instead of faking her dead? Why did she want everyone to think she was dead?

Why, why, why?

"If what you're saying is true and she's actually alive, why would she fake her own death? It doesn't make any sense."

Nina shrugged. "The Lycans don't make any sense, they do things differently than us. Their culture and norms differ from ours."

"Yeah I get that but still faking your death is still crazy in all cultures!"

"I'm sure she had her reasons."

What exactly were those reasons? Why would she want people to think she was dead?

"We're talking as if it's actually true, there's no proof that she is alive."

"And there's no proof that she's dead." Nina fired back.

Crazy girl had a point. I would definitely have to pursue this line of questioning with Vladamir, he knew the truth and had the most information out of all the Lycans.

"How do you feel about her potentially being alive?"

Nina frowned. "What do you mean? Of course I'll be happy and over the moon if she's still alive."

I wondered for a few seconds on whether or not I should ask the next question. "Aren't you worried? About Riya?"

She immediately shook her head. "No."

Nina seemed confident in her response but I wasn't. "Not even a little bit? What if she sees Riya and tries something?"

"She won't do that, I trust her. She protected us while I was pregnant, I know she'll still protect us now."

If I was in her situation, I would be slightly worried about that possibility. Victoria did help and support Nina throughout her pregnancy but that didn't mean she wasn't slightly unhinged.

"Plus Gabriel would never let anyone harm Riya, Lycans included."

A small smile flitted across my face as an image of Gabriel and Victoria fighting played across my mind. "No offense but if Gabriel and Victoria got into a fight, Victoria would deffo win."

Nina let out a laugh. "I can see why you would think that but Gabriel is strong and ruthless too."

Not as strong and ruthless as Vladamir.

Why did my mind wander off to Vladamir? It seemed like it couldn't help itself, he constantly plagued my thoughts even when I was thinking of something unrelated to him.

"You okay?" Nina suddenly asked, the laughter from her voice gone. "You have a strange look on your face."

"Yeah, I'm fin-"

My words trailed off when we both heard voices coming towards us. Turning our heads towards the door, we watched as the Lycans barged in, some talking amongst themselves and some on the phone.

"What's going on?" Nina asked Gabriel while my eyes found Vladamir who was talking on the phone in an inhumane speed.

Gabriel cupped Nina's face. "We need to leave now. Do you want to stay here for a bit or I can drop you off home?"

Nina turned towards me. "Do you want me to stay here?"

I ignored Nina's question and asked Gabriel a couple of my own. "Where are you guys going? What's going on?"

Gabriel glanced towards Vladamir who made his way over to us. He ended his call and grabbed my arms, pulling me up from the sofa.

"We found him."

Though I didn't need further clarification to know who he was talking about, Vladamir provided some anyway.

"We know where your father is."


A/N: I hope you guys liked this chapter

Let me know what you think is going to happen next

I will upload again soon but you can read the full story as well as the start of the third book- Luca's story on or on my subscription page on

Thank you for reading :) 

-Kayy xx

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 15, 2023 ⏰

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