Chapter Fifty One

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Chapter Fifty-One

I couldn't believe my eyes, I didn't want to. What I was seeing wasn't real, my vision was just discombobulated from the light. I was seeing things, I had to be.

On the cold, tiled kitchen floor, both my parents laid on the ground. My mum was slightly faced down, her hair covering both the floor and her face making it impossible to see what was wrong. My dad on the other hand was slumped against the bottom kitchen cabinet, his face unlike my mum's was in my line of vision.

I could see every inch of his face clearly and I wished I hadn't.

My body froze, it was unwilling to move even though my brain was screaming at it to do something, anything.

Move Leah! Do something!

Though my body was frozen, my mind was not. Thoughts began to accelerate inside my head causing everything to hurt. I needed them to slow down so I could breathe and process what I was seeing. My breaths came out in strangled gasps and my vision began to blur.

A strangled, choking noise pulled me out of trance and it took me a few seconds to realise that the sound came from me.

"Mum? Dad?" I managed to whisper out.

Mum was further away from me and it looked like she had simply fallen asleep on the floor except that her hair, her beautiful hair was coated in something dark making it looked dirty and clumped together. I couldn't see her face but I could see my dad's.

His face was swollen, red liquid smeared across his forehead and his lips were busted. He didn't look asleep like my mum did, he didn't look like he was moving.

All around them was the same red liquid that looked like some sort of sauce and it was everywhere except it wasn't sauce, it was blood.


My parents were covered in blood.

"Oh my god!" I ran over to them, slipping on the blood that was on the floor. I landed on the ground with a loud thud causing pain to spasm through my body.

Ignoring the pain, I crawled over to my dad and began shaking him. "Dad! Dad!" I began to shout. "Please wake up dad!"

He didn't respond instead his body slumped over and he fell to the ground causing me to let out a shriek.

"I'm so sorry! Oh god! Please dad, wake up!" With one hand still shaking his shoulder, I used my other one to reach over to my mum. "Mum? Mum!"

Neither of them were responding, they didn't make a sound or even flinch.

"No, no, no, no!"

Why weren't they responding?

Scrambling away from them I grabbed my phone that I had dropped earlier with both hands, swearing out in frustration when it slipped from my bloody hands. With trembling hands, I called 999.

The call was answered promptly and within a couple of seconds. "Hello, emergency service operator. Which service do you require? Fire, police or ambulance?"

"Ambulance." I choked out as I stared back at my parent's lifeless bodies.

The call was connected to the ambulance services and a woman began to speak. "Ambulance service, what's the address of the emergency?"

I sprouted off my parent's address, repeating it twice for the woman on the other end of the line. As I did, I crawled back to my parents and grabbed both their hands, leaving the phone in between us on the floor with the speakerphone on.

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