Chapter Fifty Eight

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Chapter Fifty Eight

I was dreaming, I was having a dream- no a nightmare, I had to be, and soon I would wake up from this nightmare and go back to my normal and usual life.

It may not be the life I had expected to live but at least both my parents were alive and still with me.

The last couple of days were not part of my life, it wasn't real, it was just a very long nightmare that I unfortunately couldn't wake up from. My parents hadn't both been brutally attacked, my mum wasn't in hospital recovering, my dad didn't die and his body certainly wasn't missing.

Even if this wasn't a nightmare, how could it be real? How could all of this have happened? It certainly didn't sound real, it sounded like a work of fiction and most work of fiction had a happy ending.

So where was my happy ending? I was still waiting for it.

"Did you hear what I said Leanne?" Vladamir's voice broke my train of thoughts.

I had heard what he said but what he said was so implausible and unrealistic that I refused to acknowledge it.

Was he joking? Was this Vladamir's way of lightening the mood? This man had a sick and twisted sense of humour so I wouldn't put it past him to make a joke like this and find it funny.

"Do you think this is funny?" I hissed at him, narrowing my eyes and throwing him a dirty look. "What the hell is wrong with you?"

"I am not joking Leanne." The seriousness in his tone suggested that he was not messing around.

I blinked a few times. "What exactly are you saying to me?"

Vladamir didn't miss a beat. "Your father's body is missing."

"What do you mean by missing?"

"His body was at the morgue, now it is no longer there."

"What do you mean it's no longer there?" The words he was saying were so unbelievable that my brain was refusing to register them.

"It is gone."

"How? How is that even possible?" I paused for a few seconds as I thought about it properly. "Are you saying my dad's body is gone? It was in the morgue and now it's gone?"

Vladamir nodded causing me to let out a laugh. "What do you think he did then? Just walked out of here?"

For some reason saying those words out loud, those unrealistic and silly words seemed to have set something off inside me. It started off as a giggle, low at first before it got higher in both volume and pitch.


"He just walked out of here." I giggled in-between each word.

What Vladamir said next had me roaring in laughter. "We believe someone may have stolen it."

"Stolen it? Someone stole my dad's body?" The giggles were now full-blown laughs.

"Leanne." Even though he said one word, the concern in his tone was very prominent.

"Someone came into a hospital and stole my dad's body."

Vladamir grabbed my shoulders and began shaking me. "Stop laughing Leanne. Stop it." His movements were so vigorous that it was restricting my airflow.

When he realised that shaking my body like a ragdoll was having no effect on me, he pulled me close to him with one hand and used the other to silence my laughter by clamping down on my mouth. "That is enough."

I stared up at him, my body still shaking from laughter. It was like this for a minute or so before the laughter slowly ebbed away and in its place sobs began to erupt from my restricted mouth.

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