Chapter Thirteen

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*Not Edited*

Chapter Thirteen

I wanted to wipe that smug look off his face. I couldn't help the way my body reacted to the stupid mark on my neck, he knew that and has been using that to his advantage.

"What I want." I started to say as I inched closer to him and lowered my voice. "What I really want." I pulled him closer and stood on my tiptoes. "Is for you to leave me the fuck alone." I yelled the last part into his ear and he grimaced moving away from me.

"Was that necessary?"

"Yes! Since you clearly don't seem to understand that." I hissed as I glared at him.

"I understand what your body wants. It wants me."

"You are so full of yourself. You should be more humble. Like Luca." I added the last part in knowing it would piss him off and I was right. If I didn't know any better, I would think Vladamir was actually jealous.

Not wanting to continue this conversation, I stormed past him and headed to the dining room where everyone was located. As I entered the room I wondered if they could hear what had happened, I knew some rooms were soundproof but I didn't know which ones.

From their expressions and body language it didn't look like they had heard what happened, maybe they could block out sound when they wanted to.

Though I clearly was not invited to this dinner, I actually had a good time. It could be because I sat as far away from Vladamir as I possible could. Everyone talked about their day and what they've been up to. A lot of the time it was Nina and Gabriel gushing over Riya and informing the Lycans of every little thing she does. Looking at their faces, I could tell they didn't mind, in fact they look so interested in everything she did.

"We may have another Lycan baby soon." Everyone turned to look at Alexander in confusion before looking over at Nina.

Was Nina pregnant?!

"I'm not pregnant." Nina quickly clarified causing Gabriel to let out a huge sigh of relief.

"I don't mean Nina, I'm talking about Leah."

I could feel everyone's eyes on me but my eyes were on Vladamir who almost chocked on the drink he was drinking. I couldn't help but let out a laugh at his expression, it was comical.

"You're pregnant?" Nina asked before anyone else could.

"No! I may have put on a few pounds but I am definitely not pregnant!" I laughed. "I don't know what Alexander is talking about."

"I didn't say anyone is pregnant. I said we 'may' have another Lycan baby soon." Alexander quickly explained. "It's the prophecy."

"Not this again." Gabriel grumbled.

"What is this prophecy?" Nina and I asked at the same time.

"It is believed that Lycans will rise again. It will start of with one of us mating." Alexander paused and pointed at Gabriel who rolled his eyes. "This will lead to all of us mating with someone, one by one. First it was Gabriel, now it's Vladamir." Alexander pointed at Vladamir who looked uninterested in the conversation. "Soon we will all be mated and will be reproducing and as time goes on, our population will increase."

I'm not going to lie I expected something juicer, not this mate crap.

"All these years not one of us marked and mated with anyone and now look at us. Two have mated within two years and this is going to continue."

How is this a prophecy? Aren't prophecies supposed to be mysterious and scary? No wonder none of the other Lycan were taking this seriously.

But if this so called prophecy and I use the word prophecy lightly, is true then what about the Lycans who had already been mated before. Both Luca and Joseph had mates, will they also find their mates?

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