Chapter Fifty Seven

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Chapter Fifty-Seven

Did she just say 'who are you?'

No, no, no.

This could not be happening, there is no way my mum is now suffering from some sort of memory loss. Life was cruel and vicious but it wasn't this cruel, right? Surely it wouldn't rain its wrath down on one person over and over again?

There was only so much one could take before they completely broke. I was already broken, this would push me off the edge completely. I had just lost my dad, it would be malicious and soul destroying to have my only living parent forget who I was too.

This wasn't a book or a movie, this was real life. Memory loss after an accident or traumatic incident weren't that common despite it happening so often in the fictional world that it seemed liked an everyday thing.

"Mum?" I said hesitantly, petrified that she would break my heart in the next few seconds. "It's me Leah."

Please, please, please remember me.

A look of confusion dawned upon my mum's face before she winced. "I know who you are Leah." My mum said in a tone that suggested she thought I was insane. "Who is the man standing behind you?"

A huge wave of relief washed over me and I let out a weird high pitch laugh that sounded more seal like than human like. "Oh thank God." I closed my eyes briefly before opening them again. "He doesn't matter, he's not important."

My mum's eyes flickered behind me before landing back on my face, despite the puffiness and discoloration of her face, I was able to clearly make out the facial expressions she was displaying and the main one was confusion.

I could imagine how confusing and distressing it was for her to wake up to find her daughter and a man she didn't recognise or remember looming over her while she was covered in medical equipment and laying in a hospital bed.

Instead of reassuring her like a sane person would do, I just kept laughing as I squeezed her hands and uttered the same words over and over again. "I'm so glad you're awake. I'm so glad you're awake."

"I shall inform the doctor about your mother's situation." Vladamir told me as I continued making that high pitch laughing noise.

"Doctor?" My mum repeated in a quiet tone at the same time Vladamir leaned towards my ears. "Stop making that noise."

Both my mum's and Vladamir words had me stopping in an instant and the sombre reality of the situation hit me again.

"Where am I?" Mum asked as she tried to sit up.

"No, no. Don't move please, you'll hurt yourself." I told her as I gently pushed her back down.

She allowed me to push her down as she looked around the room. "Leah what's going on? Why am I in the hospital?"

Her questions sprung tears to my eyes as I stared down at her fragile state. Should I tell her what happened now or should I wait for the doctor to assess her before informing her of the devasting news that would destroy her world.

"I-I" The words seemed stuck inside my throat, refusing to budge no matter how hard I tried. "I'm sorry." I whispered as tears poured down my face like a broken tap. "I'm so sorry mum."

"Leah? What's wrong? Don't cry Sweetheart." She tried to soothe me but instead it had the opposite effect. "Tell me what's wrong."

She no longer cared about where she was or why she was here, her priority was me and calming me down. She was battered and bruised, lying in a hospital bed with wires and tubes inside her, most likely in agonising pain and all she cared about was making me feel better.

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