Chapter Fifty

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Chapter Fifty

There was a bounty on my head? What was this? The 16th century? Did they have bounties in the 16th century? History was never my forte in school.

"I can see that you are confused." Tahlia noted, her eyes trained on my face.

I was confused but probably not for the reason she was thinking. "I am. I didn't even know that was a thing." I'm not sure if it was the word or the idea that there was a bounty on my head, I didn't feel scared or worried.

"It's real." Tahlia responded gravely.

Couldn't they have said 'there's a hit on you' I feel as though that would have been scarier. I suppose they're both very old, well Vladamir most definitely is and Tahlia probably was too and they used words that no one uses anymore.

"Okay." I shrugged.

Vladamir and Tahlia exchanged looks.

"What do you mean 'okay'?" This time it was Vladamir who spoke.

"I mean okay, thanks for letting me know." What was I supposed to do with this information? Cry? Hide? Never leave the house? It's not like I did that anymore, my life was confined to this house.

"I do not think you understand the seriousness of the situation." Tahlia seemed slightly frustrated.

What didn't I understand? Vladamir has enemies and they want to hurt me in order to hurt him. It wasn't a difficult concept to grasp.

I decided not to say anything to either of them as I grabbed one of the empty plates that was sitting on the bar and began to load food that Vladamir had made. Well, I think he made them, it could have been Jo. Now that I thought about it further, it probably was Jo.

From the corner of my eyes I watched as the pair exchanged another look. "Leanne."

"Vladamir." I mimicked his tone of voice, not bothering to look up from my food.

"This is important." Vladamir continued. "They will not hesitate to kill you."

"I thought Lycans were invincible and very hard to kill."

This time the look they shared was different, it was strange and as if they knew some deep dark secret that no one else knew.

"Yes, it appears to be that way."

What did that even mean?

"However, you are not a true Lycan. You also have no skill or training in combat."

"I bet I could punch you really hard and it would hurt." I smiled sweetly.

Vladamir ignored me. "Tahlia has offered to train you."

I glanced over at Tahlia who nodded. "I don't get this." I gestured to the two of them. "You say I'm your real mate yet you wanted to mate with Tahlia? And now your almost mate is here to protect me and train me?"

It was a bad idea, it was the same as letting your partner's ex or something along the line do something for you. They most definitely will not have good intentions, especially if they volunteer to do it.

Before either of them could respond both their phones went off and almost immediately they both pulled it out to check it.

Vladamir's face remained neutral while Tahlia's was filled with shock.

"So it is true." Tahlia whispered. "She's alive."

"Who is?" I questioned causing both of them to turn their head towards me.

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