Chapter Twelve

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Chapter Twelve

A prophecy?

What were they talking about?

"What was it?" Nina asked before I could.

"We should all sit down, it's very important." Alexander told us as he motioned for the rest of them to sit down. It was strange seeing Alexander like this, he was usually in a lively mood but now he seemed sombre.

Gabriel rolled his eyes while Joseph remained silent, more focused on Riya than what Alexander was about to say. Nina was the only one who listened to him and sat down next to me.

"It was a long time ago, things were different and even though our species was wiped out and there were only a few of us left, the Werewolves and Shifters still feared us. It's not common now, however in the past they used to consort with Witches for protection. There are not that many Witches left now, a lot of them died during the trials and those who survived stopped practising magic from fear and as time went on, their power dwindled and was forgotten. There are people now who have magic in their blood but they have no idea what they can do or who they are."

Before Alexander could say anything else Vladamir and Isabella entered the room. Isabella came over to me and hugged me which was slightly awkward as I was sitting down. "Welcome to the family."

I glanced towards Vladamir as I hugged her back but he wasn't looking in our way. "Thanks." I think.

"Luca is on his way. Should we set the table?"

Nina got up and took Riya from Joseph and handed her over to me. "Here, keep her occupied for a bit."

"Hello, baby." I cooed as I got up as well so everyone could set the table. "Did you miss Auntie Leah?"

"I will tell you about the prophecy later. No one believes it is true, but I think it is." Alexander whispered to both me and Nina.

We both nodded and I left the dining room and went over to the living room to grab some toys for Riya. I didn't know what the so-called prophecy was about and even though Alexander believed it with a passion I on the other hand was doubtful. No one else seemed to believe it or seemed bothered by it.

Riya yanked my hair and I slowly pulled my hair out of her palm causing her to protest. "My hair is not a toy. Here look at this." I handed her a rattle toy which I regretted when she hit me in the face with it.

"I'm starting to think you hate me." I muttered as I placed her on the floor. I put some more toys out for her to play with.

The doorbell rang causing Riya to look up at me with her wide eyes.

"Leah can you get the door? It's Luca."

I lifted Riya up and placed her on my hip, she reached out for my hair again and I groaned. "Come on, let's open the door for Luca."

Luca seemed surprised to see me and blinked a couple of times. "Leah, I was not expecting to see you today."

"I don't think anyone was." I laughed as I let him in.

He stepped in and closed the door behind him. "May I?" He asked, gesturing to Riya who was now trying to eat my hair.

Why was she obsessed with my hair?

"I think she likes my hair."

Luca smiled as he gently removed my hair from her grip. He held her palms and rubbed small circles on them causing her giggle.

"How are you?"

"I'm fine." I told him as I watched him with the baby.

He must have picked up something from my voice because he turned to look at me. "Are you sure?" His eyes were filled with concern as he scanned my face.

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