Chapter Eight

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*Not Edited*

Chapter Eight

"What?" I yelled causing Dennis to jump up from his seat slightly. "Are you fucking kidding me?"

"Excuse me?" Dennis asked sounding completely flabbergasted.

"Oh my god, this is a joke right? There is no way he just bought the house I'm living in."


"Oh my god, I seriously hate this guy." I closed my eyes and leaned against the sofa. "Why me? Why is this happening to me?"

"I think I'm going to leave now." Dennis informed me, sounding confused and a little nervous. "The new owner will be checking in with you soon."

I opened my eyes and glared at Dennis. "Of course he is. Urgh!"

"I'll see myself out." Dennis muttered as I groaned into my hands.

I knew why Vladamir did this, he wanted me to move in with him and because I refused he bought this house so I would have nowhere else to live.

I really hated him. He was fucking up my life so badly. Why can't he just leave me alone?

What am I supposed to do now? There is no way I'm moving in with him, no chance.

"Think Leah, think."

I could maybe move in temporarily with Ayesha and Keisha but their rent was pretty high since they lived more in the centre of the city than the outskirts. Living in the centre was more convenient for them as their workplace was only ten minutes away.

Maybe I could move in with Nina and Gabriel for a bit? I know Nina wouldn't mind, I'm not sure about Gabriel but I don't care about his opinion so that didn't matter. Their house was big and spacious and I wouldn't be getting in their way and I would only be there for a couple of months or until I found some other place to live.

My thought wandered to the youngest person living there, Victoria. I loved that baby to bits, I really did but she was loud, extremely loud, and sometimes she would not stop crying for ages. Could I handle that? Nope, probably not. I think it would drive me insane.

So I couldn't stay there. Maybe I could move back in with my parents?

A shiver of disgust ran through me as I thought about that. I loved my parents so much, they were amazing and gave me everything I could ever want in life.

However they also gave me nightmares.

I have walked in on them having sex so many times that every time I see them get remotely close to each other I close my eyes as the flashbacks start to appear. Like why, why do they need to have sex in the kitchen with whipped cream and strawberries? Why do they need to have sex in the staircase in the middle of the night? They have a bedroom, why couldn't they use that?

Obviously, they did not do it on purpose and always assumed I was out or asleep but still, thinking about your parents having sex is disgusting but actually seeing it is beyond horrifying and is extremely traumatic.

Staying at my parents was a big no-no.

I must have been in deep thoughts as I did not hear Vladamir enter the house or even the room until he called out my name.


"You." I growled out before launching myself at him.

Vladamir saw it coming and simply tossed me onto the sofa. "That was cute."

"Stop laughing you wanker." I straightened up so I was no longer sprawled across the sofa. "What is wrong with you? No seriously, what the hell is wrong with you?"

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