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So you guys actually asked some pretty cool questions...I'm loving them. Let's get right into it.

Me, the author

1. Are you going to have an updating schedule or something?

Ans: Uh- I think we've all seen in the past that I can't stick to those. I really do try but it doesn't always work out. I don't want to make another promise that I'll update at a specific time and then disappoint you all when I don't. The last time I left for like, months- lol, I won't leave for that long again though. I'll try to update as often as I can, especially since we're so close to the ending.

2. Why do you update so slow? *cries* I love this book.

Ans: I've been in a slump, to be honest. Haha. But I'm trying to be here now. Thank you all for being patient with me <3

3. I wanna know more about you 

Ans: Uh, well...I'm not that interesting, to be honest...First of all, I'm black. Heh...I have no idea why I started off with that but I hope we're not racist here😁 My name is Rose? Uh- I'm an ARMY. Uh...I like to read? My favorite color is blue...uhm...I like to sing I guess...I write stories when I'm overwhelmingly stressed, lol. Since the past few months, I swear I've conjured up like a million story ideas so far, I kid you not. You should look out for them. *wink wink*

4. How come only Ryder has an accent? Why can't the others have accents too?

Ans: Actually, believe it or not, none of the guys were supposed to have accents at first. But then I decided to use Thomas Doherty as Ryder and he had an accent so I thought it would be weird for readers to imagine him in the story without it. He's a Scottish actor but the first time I saw him, he was playing the role of a British character so I thought he was British. But by the time I actually found out he was Scottish, I was already too far into the story.

5. Do you see yourself in any of your characters? Like emotions, lifestyle, behaviors etc.

Ans: Uh, yeah, I guess. I think for every author, there's a little piece of them in at least one of their characters. For me, I find a piece of myself in almost all my characters. With Dorian, it's her self-esteem. With Ryder it's how he's always looking out for the persons he cares about and also with how he gets rationally angry sometimes. For Dennis, it's his calm and friendly nature. For Micah, it's his protective nature. For Kruz, it's definitely his goofy nature and his intelligence which he hides behind that goofy nature. He and I have the most in common in that aspect. I don't see much of myself in Mason...he's a bit mean...But I guess I can somewhat relate to his insecurity about pleasing his parents and not becoming a disappointment.

6. I love this book. When will the next chapter be up, also is there a second book.

Ans: I'm happy you like the book. Book 2 was originally on the list of plans when I first started. It still is, I've already started it. It's called 'Disengaged' but I'm not sure if I'll actually publish it yet. Maybe when I've written enough chapters.


1. Are you or Ryder going to die?

Ans:  I hope not


1. If you had a choice, would you still choose the gang life or live a normal life?

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