Chapter 46

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Kruz and I were in the couch watching a movie, I with a cup of tea in my hand and him with a bowl of popcorn in his.

Then suddenly door burst open and in came the most horrifying sight.

Dennis and Micah were bringing an injured bleeding and groaning Ryder into the house.

In shock, I dropped the cup of tea I was holding on the ground and rushed towards them, Kruz not far behind.

"What the hell happened to him?!" I asked frantically, all sorts of things running through mind.

Dennis and Micah set him down on the couch gently. Dennis gave Kruz a look and a nod.

"I'll get them" Kruz said before rushing upstairs.

I turned back to the two boys, throwing my hands up in the air signalling that I needed an explanation.

"We were in a meeting with the leader of the Grenel gang to conduct a deal at a restaurant." Micah began to explain to as Dennis tore the shirt off of Ryder to reveal a bloody gunshot wound in his left shoulder. "When we were leaving, a car was driving by and someone in it shot at us. We were able to escape unscathed but as for Ryder....well, obviously, he didn't"

"The bastard shot me in my fucking shoulder" Ryder cursed. I was a bit surprised because I had never heard him say a bad word before.

"Hey!" Dennis exclaimed. "We don't swear in front of her"

I rolled my eyes at them. I looked at Ryder closely. He looked deathly pale and fat beads of sweat were running down his face. He was trembling slightly and there was a dull look in his eyes as if he was about to pass out any second.

Micah caught on to my frightened look. "He's lost alot of blood but he'll be ok. I promise"

Then Kruz came running in with a first aid kit in his hands. "Here" he said breathlessly as he shoved the kit into Micah's hands.

"Took you long enough" Dennis rolled his eyes.

"Oh well, I'm sorry I had to take a few stops to let some oxygen in my lungs just so I could keep living long enough to get you your stupid first aid kit you ungrateful piece of shit!" Kruz said sarcastically.

"Enough!" Micah's deep voice rolled through the room. "We don't need this bullshit right now. Kruz, get Dori upstairs, she does not need to see this" he instructed but I was in complete disagreement with him on the last part.

"No way!" I shouted in disbelief. "I'm not leaving him"

Ryder looked at me with tired eyes and a weak smile. "I'm fine baby, it's ok"

"No your not. Your not fine!"

"I will be. Just give me a few minutes and let Micah do what he does best and I'll be ok."


"Just trust me ok princess? Please" he begged, looking at me with sad eyes. "For me"


"Ok. Enough of this" Kruz said and the next thing I knew, I was thrown over his shoulder like a sack of feathers.

"Kruz, what the hell?! Put me down!" I said beating at his muscle toned back with my tiny fists.

"You do know that hitting me won't make a difference right?" He asked cockily.  "Besides, you should be happy"

Despite my blurry and obscure upside down vision, I could make out that we had climbed the stairs and were now heading down the hallway to Kruz's room. "And why would I be happy about the fact that you just pulled me away from Ryder in his critical condition, I'm dangling upside down over your shoulder with blood  rushing to my head making me feel dizzy?"

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