Chapter 14

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I rushed into the school after Ryder. I was instantly met by a crowd of students that were busily trying to get to where they wanted to.

I scanned the crowd for Ryder and saw him a few feet away, striding up to where Mason and his friends were at his locker talking and laughing. Ryder stormed up to them and I found myself running through the crowd to get to him to stop him from doing whatever he was about to do.

He stopped right in front of them and when he did, all their chatter and laughter ceased.

I reached them just in time to see Ryder grab Mason's shirt and bring his face up to meet his until they were almost nose to nose.

Mason's friends stood to the side looking belligerent.

"Listen to me you little bastard." Ryder said, his words dripping with hatred. "If you do so much as to touch a strand of Dori's hair again, I will mess you up so bad that your family won't be able to recognize you, then, I will rip off your limbs and shove them down your throat, then I will personally rip your intestines out and hang you from the roof with them. Do. You. Understand?" Ryder said.

I was shocked. My jaw fell to the floor and my eyes were wide as I watched the scene play out in front of me.

By now, there was a crowd circling the two boys in the hallway. Some people had their phones videoing what was happening.

Then, to everyone's surprise, Mason scoffed.

He scoffed.

After that threat and the serious look that Ryder gave him, I'm pretty sure even a grown man would pee his pants. But not Mason.

"Do you think I'm afraid of you?" Mason spat at him. "Just because your new and muscular and dress in black like some supposed bad ass doesn't make me afraid of you. Before you came, I owned this school and I still do. So that means I can do whatever I want, whenever I want and to whoever I want" he said, looking at me when he said the last 3 words.

"So I would suggest" he added. "that you get your hands off of me and we can go our separate ways. You stay out of my way and I'll stay out of yours. That is, unless you want to deal with me and the rest of the football team. We out number you and your friends you know" Mason raised a challenging eyebrow at Ryder, daring him to challenge him.

Ryder looked at him and cocked his head to the side and smirked. Then he laughed. His laughter was pleasant to my ears. It was a wonderful sound which ended after a couple of seconds.

"Listen buddy, take my advance" he said with a smirk, then his face turned serious. "Stay away from Dorian"

After he said those last words, he key go of Mason's shirt and began to walk away.

But before he could get far, Mason said something that made him stop.

"So what Dorian? This is how it is now?" He turned and sneered at me. "You're tired of fighting your own battles so you let your boyfriend do it for you? Pathetic Dori. You're pathet-" the rest of his sentence was cut off because Ryder punched him in the face.

Mason fell to the ground after the impact and Ryder knelt down and started punching him.

The students around started shouting in excited tones but I was too shocked to try and decipher what they were saying.

Mason's face was getting bloody and I knew that if u didn't stop him then Mason would probably die or end up in the hospital, but before I could do anything, the loud voice of Mr. Keller froze the crowd.

"What is going on here?!" He shouted as he made his way through the crowd to where Ryder was still punching Mason.

"Young man get off of him!" Mr. Keller shouted while trying to pull Ryder off of Mason. He reluctantly got off of Mason and we all gasped at the unconscious body of Mason on the floor.

Even Mr. Keller looked surprise, then his facial expression slowly morphed into one of anger.

He looked at Mason, his eyes burning with fury. "Detention!" He barked at him.

My eyes widened. Detention? He couldn't get a detention. He was just doing that because of what Mason said to me. He doesn't deserve a detention. I caused it. If I had just kept my mouth shut in the first place, this wouldn't have happened.

"No. Mr. Keller, this is my fault, not his." I said. "I-"

"Well you both get a detention then!" He said, interrupting me.
Then he looked at the students around us. "Everyone get to class now! Or do I need to give you all a detention too?" At the sound of those words, everyone dispersed faster than you could say the word 'nutella'.

Mr. Keller gave me and Ryder a pointed look then walked away.

As soon as he disappeared around the corner, I turned to glare at Ryder.

"Why would you do that!?" We both said at the same time.

I paused. Hold up.

He was mad at me?!

"Why would you tell him that it was your fault? I could've handled it you know" he said, anger flashing in his eyes.

"Well if you hadn't taken it upon yourself to beat Mason up then maybe I wouldn't have had to say anything at all." I snapped at him.

"Mason deserved it" he said with a serious look on his face.

"Yes he did. But you didn't have to do that" I spoke.

"Did you even hear what he said to you?!" He asked, clearly getting irritated by me. "He deserved it for speaking that way to you"

My eyes were downcast. I sighed. "I'm not worth fighting for" I said softly.

His eyes softened and he sighed and ran his hand through his hair. "Well, you're worth it to me Dorian" he said and turned to walk away, but not before shouting to me over his shoulder, "See you in detention"

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