Chapter 6

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God did not answer my prayer.

It's official. Everyone hates me, even God.

As the bell rung, signalling the end of my last class for the day, I packed my books in my bag and headed up to the library to get some homework done.

After I was finished with that, I walked out into the now empty hallway to put my books back in my locker.

When I was done, I closed it and turned to walk out of the school, when someone's voice caused me to freeze in my tracks.

"Going somewhere Walker?"

I turned around slowly, silently hoping that the person wasn't who I think it was but it was.

Mason smirked at me from the end of the hallway and started taking long strides towards me.

"M-m-mason, d-don't. Please I just w-want to go home" I pleaded with him.

"You can go home when I'm done with you although I must warn you, you might look just a little bit different after we're done" on cue, the rest of Mason's football friends Walked up behind him.

Did they practice this or something? It looks well rehearsed.

They were still a few feet away from me so I took this as my chance to try and escape.

I turned and willed my feet to move fast. Unfortunately, I barely got to run 10 feet before a rough hand grabbed my arm and threw me to the ground.

I looked up and saw Mason looking down at me, his face serious.

"Get up" he demanded in a hard voice. I obeyed. If I didn't, his punishment would be much worse.

He grabbed me by my shirt and one of his friends held my hands behind my back.

Mason stood in front of me and landed a hard punch in my stomach.

I let out a cry of pain, tears streaming from my eyes.

He smirked at me, then lifted his hand to punch me again. I closed my eyes, bracing myself for the impact, but it never came.

I opened my eyes and saw that a guy has grabbed Mason's hand, preventing him from hitting me.

"Didn't your mother ever tell you that you should never hit a girl?" The guy said in a thick British accent.

I was shoved hard onto the ground and I hit my head. White, hot pain spread throughout my head. There were black blotches dancing around in my vision.

The last thing I saw was the last skyscraper that I had yet to meet, fighting off Mason and his goons, then my mind faded to total darkness.

The first thing I felt when I opened my eyes was pain, the same pain that I felt before I slipped into unconsciousness.

It was torture. And right on top of that was the pain in my stomach.

Suddenly, the memory of what happened before I was unconscious slipped into my brain.

I shot up out of my bed instantly. The sudden action increased the pain I felt in my head.

I looked around my room only to realize that now I had two problems.

1. I was feeling severe pain in my head and stomach.

2. This was not my room.

I got out of the bed slowly. I removed the blue blanket and got up.

I took a moment to observe my surroundings. The walls were painted in blue and had blue curtains covering the windows. The king sized bed had blue sheets and there was a blue clock on the nightstand.

I'm guessing whoever kidnapped me likes the color blue.



It can't be. It can't be him.

Oh God, please don't let it be him.

I walked towards the door and stepped out into the hallway.

There were steps leading down in front of me. The hallway stretched down on both the left and right of me with four more doors down on the left and at the end of the hallway on my right, there was another door.

It was then I heard talking from downstairs.

I recognized male voices talking in hushed tones.

My heart beat quickened at the thought of him being down there.

Even though I was scared, I still decided to check out who it was, like the stupid person I am.

With slow, cautious steps, I descended the stairs.

When I reached the bottom, I peeped around the corner and saw four boys sitting at the kitchen counter talking to each other.

I recognized one of them as Dennis and the other as the one who stared at me in the hallway. Those were the two facing my direction and the other two had their backs to me but I recognized one of them as Micah because of his shoulder length hair. I didn't Know who the other one was.

Wait, hold the phone.

They  were the ones who kidnapped me?

I backed up a little and my back hit something hard and then I heard the sound of glass breaking.

Oh God.

I turned around and saw a shattered vase on the ground.

I bent down to pick them up, then a pair of black combat boots came into my vision.

I looked up to see all four boys staring down at me.

" Well hello there" I said and chuckled nervously.

Well this should be fun.

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