Chapter 12

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"Mason" I said, a slight tremble in my voice. I was afraid of him.
I knew that being in the same room alone with Mason would eventually end up with him beating me up, like he normally did.

"W-w-what d-do you w-want M-m-mason?" I asked timidly.

Pathetic Dorian. You're pathetic.

He came out from the shadows fully, enough for the dim lights in the locker room to highlight his features.

As Soon as it did, I gasped in surprise at the sight that was displayed in front of me.

Mason had a black eye.

I was taken aback for a moment at the sight but quickly tried to regain my composure while still staring at him.

He rolled his eyes, clearly annoyed at my expression towards him. He can't really blame me. It's not every day you see one of the most popular and strongest boys in the school show up with a black eye. It makes me wonder who was daring enough to do that, or to get close enough to touch him in the first place.

I don't think it was one of his friends, although it could be a possibility. But still, I don't think they would do anything to harm their supposed 'superior'.

"Will you stop staring for Christ sakes?" He asked in an irritated tone. I instantly averted my eyes from him and the floor suddenly became very interesting.

They really need to get some new tiles in here.

"Stop looking at the floor" Mason said once more. "That's even worse"

"Then where should I look?" I ask in a soft whisper. I really didn't want to do anything else to irritate him. I actually wanted to get out if there without being harmed.

"I don't know! Anywhere else but at me and the floor!" He yelled.

I flinched slightly and looked at the lockers behind him. I observed them and wondered how many men it took to arrange the huge, heavy lockers in to such neat rows.

"Your friend did this to me you know" Mason said, pulling me out of my trivial thoughts.

I stared at him in confusion. What is he talking about? I don't have friends.

"What do you mean?" I asked him.

"Oh don't play dumb. You know what I'm talking about" he sneered at me.

"I-I-I Don't k-know what y-y-y-you're talking ab-bout" I said, genuinely confused at what he was going on about.

"Oh really? What about that new guy.... Ryder I think. Isn't he your friend?" He asked and something flashed in his eyes that I couldn't point out.

My mind immediately flashed back to the time I woke up at The Boys' house. Ryder had saved me moments before from Mason and he came back and I couldn't even find a scratch or bruise on him.

I looked at Mason again, thinking back to when I saw Ryder punch him in the face before I slipped into unconsciousness.

"He did that to you?" I asked him.

"Obviously" he said with a roll of his eyes. "And he broke Josh's arm too"

My eyes widened in shock at the words I was hearing. "He broke his arm?!"

"That's what I just said" Mason said, flashing me a look of irritation. "That's why I'm going to get revenge"

He had a malicious smile on his face as he took another step towards me.

My heart rate quickened at the thought of him hurting one of the guys. I knew we just became friends and I shouldn't care about them that much but I couldn't help but worry.


"Yup." He smiled triumphantly, as though he had won something. "I'm going to get revenge through you"

My heart stopped.


As if on cue, 5 of Mason's friends stepped out from the shadows in the corner of the locker room. I couldn't believe that I had failed to notice them before.

They all took long strides towards me in such an organized manner that it seemed as if it was all rehearsed.

Knowing Mason, maybe it was.

I took an involuntary step backwards , trying to put some space between me and the 6 huge boys that were slowly approaching me.

I took a quick glance to the side and saw the door that was slightly ajar. I decided that I had to make a run for it if I wanted to get out of this mess.

One of the boys seemed to have noticed where I was looking and figured out my plan because he stepped in front of my line of sight thus blocking my veiw of the door that was my only hope.

"Sorry princess, but you're not getting out of this one" he said as he smirked.

"So" Mason said, getting everyone's attention. "Who'll throw the first punch?" He asked.

A boy with blonde hair and blue eyes and a cast on his arm stepped to the front. "I will" he said.

"Very well Josh. By all means, go ahead" Mason looked at me and smirked. He was enjoying this.

The guy that blocked my veiw of the door before went behind me and held my hands in a rough grip behind my back.

Josh lifted his left arm, the arm that wasn't broken, and punched me in my face.

My head snapped to the side and I tasted Cooper in my mouth. Blood.

A series of laughter filled my ears.

Another boy with brown hair and brown eyes that reflected the dim light of the room stepped forward and punched me in the gut.

I groaned in pain and spat out blood. I was used to this and knew better than to resist them. They would just punish me even worse.

"Where's your little boyfriend now Dorian?" Mason said, taunting me. His face showed obvious amusement at the situation that I was in.

Even through the pain I was feeling, I still managed to force out a response.

"He's boyfriend" I said, my voice sounding strained.

Mason's face turned serious and his jaw clenched. "Someone hit her again" he said in a hard tone that demanded obedience.

Another boy with black hair came forward and slapped me hard on my cheek.

The stinging pain caused my eyes to well up with tears and I willed them to not fall. I wouldn't give Mason and his friends the privellige of watching me cry.

It went on like this for what seemed like hours but was meerly minutes.

After a few more slaps, punches and kicks, the boys pushed me to the floor and left the locker room laughing.

One of them said, "that'll teach you to mess with us again bitch" and he spat in my face then left.

After I was sure that they were gone, a sob escaped my lips and I curled myself up into a ball and allowed the tears to fall from my eyes.

I laid there crying, hoping that I could drown myself in my tears.

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