Chapter 51

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Micah's POV

The guy was pacing.

It was annoying.

I took a sip of my drink then set it down on the counter and looked at him.

"You do know that walking back and forth isn't helping the situation right?" Provoke him. Give him something to let out his anger on.

"Will you shut your bloody mouth?" His voice was calm. Dangerously calm. His British accent was becoming more  dominant in his speech. He was getting agitated. Good.

A lazy smile played on my lips as I took another sip of my drink.

Ryder continues to Pace.

I continue to be annoyed.

Kruz and Dennis? Probably off somewhere getting drunk and having girls throw themselves at them. Something I should be doing. But unfortunately, I have to be the one to stay and babysit Ryder so he doesn't explode and beat Mason into a pulp.

I doubt our princess would want to see that. She shouldn't see that side of us.

I steal a glance over to where Dori and Mason was. Not gonna lie, I wanted to bash his head into a wall and drain the blood that leaked out and then put it  in a bowl and feed it to a blood sucking monster. But, most unfortunately, I can't because Dorian would most certainly hate me. She obviously wants To give the guy a chance. I just don't know why.

He's been nothing but mean to her and yet she's still giving him a chance to possibly hurt her again. She was so naive. It was a wonder how she survived high school this far. But that's what we were here for. To look out for her and protect her from all the dangers she can't see coming her way. To protect her from the poisons she thinks are medicines. To protect her from the outside world. To protect her from herself. 

She was too kind. too fragile. She wasn't meant to be here. She was an angel that belonged in heaven. She was too good and pure for this place. God knew that. Maybe that's why he brought us to her. We were demons. Devils from the deepest, darkest parts of hell. But even dark angels needed a little bit of light every now and then.

I turned to our light source once more and watched as she ran her hand over her face and bit the inside of her cheek. That got my attention. Something was wrong. I looked back to where Ryder was standing just a few seconds ago and saw that he wasn't there. 

Time to break this thing up.

I put my drink down on the bar counter and made my way through the crowd to where they were talking.

I watched her expression the whole time I was making my way through the grinding sea of sweaty people. When I was just a couple feet away from them, I felt a hand latch on the my arm, finger nails digging into the skin there. I turned around to see a drunk blonde grinning up at me.

"Wanna dance pretty boy?" She slurred as she stumbled slightly over her own to feet.

I looked her up and down. She had on a tight dark blue dress that barely passed her ass and did very little to cover her breasts. It also highlighted  her curves. She had messy brown hair which, no doubt, highlighted that she did a bit more than dancing since the night began. But I had to admit, she was sexy. Normally, I would have grinned back and taken up her offer immediately, but this time was not one of those times. A scowl etched its way onto my face as I tried to pry her nails off of my arms. I just wanted to get Dori and get the hell out of there.

"No thanks" I growled as I got the last finger off of my arm. She pouted then grumbled a "whatever" before stumbling off in the crowd, most likely to find her next victim for the night.

I rolled my eyes and looked back over to where Dori had been standing with Mason. They weren't there.


I tried tip toeing to see above the heads of the other people in the crowd. I wasn't short. Far from it actually. I was about 6'2. I could more than see over the heads of most people in the crowd, but standing on tippy toes made it easier and gave me a better angle.

I spotted them over at the bar where I was sitting before I decided to go to them. I rolled my eyes and sighed before making my way back over there. Mason swallowed a shot of whatever he was drinking and offered one to Dori who scrunched up her cute little nose and shook her head, leaning away from the liquid. I saw Mason laugh and mumbled something in her ears that made her eyes widen and her face heat up.  Mason let out another laugh and handed her the shot again. She shook her head once more, denying the drink but he held it out closer to her as if he was trying to force her to drink it .

My hands clenched and unclenched by my side. How dare he try to force her to get drunk!

I stormed over to them just in time to see Mason get up to try and press the glass to Dori's mouth. Her eyes were tightly shut and her lips were trembling.

Fucking bastard.

I grabbed his arm and pulled him away from her. I turned to find her staring at me with frightened eyes, a grateful look swimming in them. I cupped her cheek and kissed her forehead, a sign to show her that everything was ok.

"Hey!" I heard Mason slur behind us. I rolled my eyes and turned to look at him, making sure to position myself so that he could not see Dori. "Let go of my sister you prick" he snarled angrily.

Sister? Man this guy must be really drunk to mistake Dori for Macy. Something shifted in the air as I felt Dori tense up behind me. She was probably just scared. I chuckled at the thought of her actually being Mason's sister.

Nah. Nope. No way.

God could never be that cruel.

I took her hand as we maneuvered our way through the crowd of disgusting, sweaty people. I hadn't seen any of the guys all night but they were gang members. they could take care of themselves. My main focus was on getting Dori out of there.

As soon as we stepped outside into the cool night air, I heard her breath in heavily. I turned to look at her troubled expression. "Hey, are you ok?" I mumbled softly to her. She nodded her head timidly as she hung her head and fiddled with her fingers. " What did he say to you?" I was curious as to what the confused, surprised and worried expressions she had displayed during their conversation  meant. But what fueled my curiosity more was that she didn't answer. At first I thought she hadn't heard me, but then her bottom lip started to quiver.


A single tear fell down her cheek. I clenched my fists. " What the hell did he do to you?" I said, anger lacing my voice. "Did he  hurt you before I got there?"

She wiped her tear away. "Can you please just take me home" she pleaded softly, her voice barely above a whisper. I sighed and gently took her chin between my thumb and index.

"Talk to me princess" I desperately begged her. I hated seeing her so sad. if he had done anything to her, as easy as a child breathes a wish at a exactly how hard it would be for me to tear his limbs from their sockets.

She, however, shook her head and turned away. "Please just take me home" she mumbled again, softer than she did before, yet I still heard it. I nodded in understanding. she wasn't ready to open up yet and I wouldn't force her. Even though it upset me to see her in this state but there was nothing I could do about it, so I sighed and took her hand and took her home.

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