Chapter 43

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A/n. Chapter dedicated to YuiHarver who has voted on every chapter so far. Thank you😊

I didn't know what to do.

I didn't know what to think.

I didn't know where to go.

After I walked out of the house, I bursted into a run down to streets, having no idea where I was headed. I just knew that I had to get away from the house. From them.

When I looked back, there was no one chasing me. That's how I knew that my oxygen deprived brain was messing up my emotions because I actually felt sad and disappointed. The pang in my heart spoke for itself.

There was a small part of me, obviously the very oxygen deprived part, was hoping that someone would come after me. That someone being Ryder. But he didn't and that hurt.

Did he really not care enough to run after me?

Why should you even care?! He lied to you! He betrayed you and went behind your back to time your father. You told him you loved him and he didn't tell you back. He broke your heart and you still want him to run after you?

It was stupid, I know. But I loved him and while one part of me was happy that he was giving me space, the other part was hoping for him to come after me. To convince me to stay. To tell me that he loved me back.

But apparently I was asking for too much.

You will never have a happy ending Dorian. The sooner you accept that, the sooner you can let go and move on.

But could I?

Could I really leave those boys who I had spent the last couple of months with behind? Could I really just walk away from the guys who stopped my bullying, tended my wounds, payed my medical bills, stayed with me at nights when Caroline and James were nowhere to be found and made me feel a sense of love and belonging and happiness, just because they were in a gang?

I had to admit that no matter how much I tried to run away, my heart would always be with them, no matter where I go.

They were like brothers to me. The family I never had. I couldn't walk away from that.

Yes, they lied to me, yeah they betrayed me, yes they hurt me but every relationship had their ups and downs. We just had to work through ours. We would.

I remembered the words Kruz said to me when he confessed about his sickness.

We're gonna be ok.

And with that thought in mind, I turned on my heels and headed towards home.

Yes. Home.
Dennis' POV

The door slammed shut right after we had watched the girl we loved walk away from us.

Ryder immediately sprang inti action and was about to run after her but Micah put a hand on his shoulder in an attempt to stop him.

"Give her some space" he said. "We hurt her. She needs time to recover from that" he bowed his head a little in shame.

We were all ashamed. We didn't plan for her to find out this way. We never wanted to hurt her. We wanted her to see us for who we really were. Underneath being bad boys, outside of the gang, the guns, the tattoos, the wealth and fame. We wanted her to love us for who we were underneath all that, so we kept it a secret. It was difficult, seeing as she was always curious and observant, but we always came up with some lie or distraction that would stear her attention away for some time.

I guess all the lies we've told came back to haunt us in a way that caused us to lose one of the most precious things in our lives.

She was like a sister to us. A new addition to the family that we very well needed. But now she was gone, and who's to say if she will ever come back and forgive us.

Ryder looked at Micah, a look of defeat that we had never before seen in our leader. It was as if he had given up. He knew Micah was right about giving her space but knowing Ryder, he didn't want that. He was in love with her, something that we could all see in the way that he was possessive over her, how he always wanted to protect her and make sure she was comfortable. He was in high spirits around her, something that was very rare in him as a gang leader.

While we loved and cared for her like a sister, he had fallen hard and deeply in love with her. And knowing that he had hurt her was like a knife in the chest.

We could see that he had given up all hope of her forgiving us. Forgiving him.

He sat on the couch where she was moments ago and held his head in his hands. I turned away from the torn and broken man that sat in front of me. It hurt to see him like this.

Kruz went and sat beside him and threw a hand over his shoulder. It was then I noticed that he was crying. Sobs raked his body as he leaned into Kruz and cried. It was weird and heartbreaking seeing as I had known Ryder for so many years and I had never seen him cry. Never.

Kruz was crying too and Micah was pulling his hair and had a broken look on his face.

A tear slipped down my cheek. Followed by another, then another and another.

Ryder got up suddenly and threw a chair across the room then ran his hand through his hair in frustration and anger.

We all then took a few minutes to try and calm down and gather our emotions as best as we could.

Then, the door opened and our princesses walked in.

We immediately stood up in surprise at her sudden appearance. We didn't expect her to come back, and especially not so soon. Then she spoke the words that we never expected her to say.

"I'm sorry"

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