Chapter 19

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I opened my eyes and was immediately greeted by white, blinding light. I squeezed my eyes shut immediately then blinked them rapidly until they got used to the light.

I looked around and noticed that it was morning. Warm sunlight shined through the windows lighting up the whole living room.

Hold up. Living room?

I tried to get up but I couldn't.

Now that I had realized it, I couldn't move any part of my body except my toes and fingers and head. I was then aware of the heavy weight that rested on me.

I lifted my head in an uncomfortable position in an attempt to see what was on me.

To my surprise, it was Kruz. He was laying on me diagonally so that I could barely move most of my body.

At that same moment, I heard a soft snore come from beneath me.

Oh god. What have I gotten myself into?

I gently lifted Kruz's head from off of my chest and carefully slid the rest of his body off of mine.

I got up quietly and put my foot down on the ground and to my surprise, the ground vibrated.

I looked down and saw that my foot was on Micah's chest. I looked at who I once layed on and saw that it was Dennis.

How did we even end up like this? And where is Ryder?

My eyes scanned the room for him and I spotted him on the other end of the couch with Kruz's feet on his lap and his head rested on the back of the couch.

I finally stood up without waking anyone up and without stepping on Micah.

I looked at the boys and watched as their chests' rose and fell in an even manner. Soft snores could be heard coming from Micah and Dennis.

They all looked so calm and peaceful when asleep, definitely not like the bad boys they were.

Actually, now that I thought about it, they weren't that bad. Maybe not to me but to others. They were really great friends so far.


The word sent shivers down my spine. I had been alone so long that I had forgotten what it felt like to have a friend. The guys were slowly bringing that feeling back to me again.

I really didn't want them to turn out like my last friendship. My last friend was...... Mason. As much as I hated to admit it, it was him.

We were the best of friends but then he changed. Something between us changed when we were in second grade.

He started bullying me. He did the simplest things, like, pushed me down in mud, made fun of my hair and clothes, telling other kids not to play with me at recess. Over the years, it just got worse.

I was always a good friend to him, a great one to be precise. I don't know what changed but something did.

I looked at the boys one last time before heading to the kitchen to make some breakfast.

Surely they wouldn't end up like Mason...right?

I sighed and started to prepare some bacon and eggs.

"You sigh alot you know" a voice came from behind, startling me. I jumped and almost dropped the pot.

I turned around and saw Ryder taking Kruz's feet off of him and getting up and making his way to the kitchen counter.

"What are you thinking about?" He asked as he sat on a stool, facing towards me.

"I'm wondering when you woke up" I said rasing an eyebrow at him.

He smirked. "I woke up a bit little bit after you did so don't worry, I didn't see anything" he winked at me.

My mouth was gaping. "I didn't do anything!" I protested and he laughed.

"I was joking Dorian. Lighten up" I glared at him then turned around to continue with making breakfast.

"But seriously though" his voice was deprived of all humor and amusement as he spoke. "What do you think about?"

"Stuff" I said bluntly, hoping he would get the idea that I didn't want to talk.

"What kind of stuff?" He pressed.

"Important stuff"

"What kind of important stuff?" He was really getting on my nerves now.

"Important personal stuff"  I said through gritted teeth.

There was a pause after that. He didn't say anything and neither did I. Maybe he finally decided to shut up.

"There's something up with you Dori" he said. "And I'm going to find out what it is"

I turned around to face him.         " There's nothing up with me"

Figure me out? No way buddy. My life is a mess and trust me, you do not want to get involved in this.

"Dori?" I heard a croaky voice coming from the living room. One of the boys had woken up.

I saw Kruz walking into the kitchen, his hair sticking up in all different directions. He was rubbing his eye and had a small pout on his face.

"Dori I'm hungry" he said in a childish voice, with the cute pout still on his face.

He dropped himself into one of the stools beside Ryder and looked at me with his brown, doe-like eyes. He looked cute, like a 10 year old boy pleading with his mother to let him have a cookie after she told him no.

I looked over at Ryder and he said, "that's how he is when he wakes up. He's like a big baby"

I nodded my head and looked back at Kruz. A small smile tugged at the corner of my lips as I looked at him.

"Dori can you feed me please?" He said as his eyes pleaded with mine.

My heart melted at the sight. "How could I possibly say no to you" I said and ruffled his hair. He grinned at me playfully. "After the food is done I'll feed you ok?"

He nodded his head eagerly. I stole a glance at Ryder and saw him roll his eyes at the two of us.


After 10 minutes, Micah and Dennis woke up and made their way to the kitchen as I gave them their food.

I had to feed Kruz as well as myself. When we were done, the boys decided to head back home to change and get ready for school.

After they left, I cleaned up the house and went upstairs to get ready for school.

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