Chapter 41

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After we had taken the trip to visit Kruz's mom, I Had asked Ryder to drop me off at home so I could pick up some more clothes for my stay at their house.

"Why don't you just let me buy you some?" He asked.

"No way" I said to him. "I-I couldn't ask you to d-do that"

"Why not? Friends by each other stuff all the time" he stated.

"No Ryder. I have clothes at home. I'm fine with those" I said firmly and he let out a sigh of defeat. I instantly felt bad. "But thanks for the offer" I said with a small smile which he returned as we pulled up into my driveway.

I hopped out of the car and went straight up to my room to look for some clothes.

I wasn't surprised to find an empty house. Caroline and James were never home. They didn't even call to see if I was ok.

With a heavy sigh, I opened my room door and stepped in. The sight that I was met with caused me to let out a blood curdling scream.
Ryder's POV

I was in the car texting Dennis when I heard it. Her scream.

My body  immediately went into alert mode as adrenaline rushed through my veins. I quickly got out of the car and ran into the house, a million through running in my head.

Is she hurt? Is someone in there with her? Is it her psycho father? Is she gonna die? Is she already dead?


I sped up the steps and sped down the hallway to her room.

"Dori?!" I called out for her. No answer.

"Dori!" I yelled, desperate for her to answer me, to prove she was ok.

I opened the door to her room and was immediately met with the metallic smell of blood in her room. My eyes widened at the sight of words on her wall written in blood.

Stay away from those boys. They're not who they say they are. And if I have to kill them to get to you, I will.

My hands balled into fists at the sight.


I searched the room frantically for any signs of Dori. Then I saw that the door to the bathroom was slightly ajar.

I walked up to it and peeked inside to find Dori rolled up in a tight ball on the ground crying.

My heart broke at the sight. I quickly rushed to her side and brushed her hair from her face. She looked up at me with frantic and frightened eyes.

It pained me to see her this way.

"It's ok princess, I'm here" I whispered as I took her into my arms. She clinged to me and buried her head into my neck as she cried. Her body racked with sons and that made me angry.

I wanted to kil the man that made her cry. I wanted to torture him and watch him suffer worse than she did. I had to find him soon.

"Sshh. It's gonna be ok princess, I promise. He won't get to you I swear" I whispered in her ear to try and comfort her.

"B-b-but he'll k-kill you" she said between sobs.

I didn't say anything. There was nothing I could say. She told me to stay out of it, but of course I couldn't. I had my men out searching for the bastard, and as soon as they found him, I would kill him.

But I couldn't tell her that. She would be upset that I disobeyed her wishes. And she would end up worrying about us. She didn't need that. I wouldn't add to her problems. I just wanted her to be ok, safe.

I scooped her up in my arms and brought her to the car. I got into the driver's seat with her in my arms. When she realized what I did, she got up and looked at me in confusion.

"W-w-what are you doing?" She asked. Her face was pale and her eyes were red and puffy. Her nose was red and runny and her hair was all over the place. Yet, she still managed to look beautiful, like a princess.

I kissed her cheek and cupped her face. "Trust me" was all I said and she nodded her head and buried her face in the crook of my neck.

The truth was that I didn't want to let her go. I was afraid to. Afraid that she would slip away or someone would take her away from me.

Ever since she tried suicide, I had been afraid to leave her side. I knew I had started falling for her but I didn't want to admit it. I was afraid to.

Love meant weakness. I couldn't be weak.

Being the leader of the biggest, baddest gang in the country, I had to be strong. Of course other gang leaders were looking for ways to bring me down.

Drawing her into our lives was the stupidest mistake we ever made. The gang life was not for her. But we couldn't help ourselves. I couldn't stop myself from falling in love with her. She was amazing.

If anyone found out about my affection for her, that would be the end of us. The guys love her like their own sister. They would do anything to protect her.

The other gangs would try to use her as bait to make me crumble. And for her, I would.

I let out a heavy sigh and started the car, keeping one hand around her small, delicate frame and one hand on the steering wheel. She had stopped crying by now which I thanked God for. So I wasted no time and drove us home.
Dori's POV

I woke up with a headache.

I looked around and realized that I was once again in Ryder's room, on his bed.

I must've fallen asleep in the car and he brought me up.

I felt a blush crawl up my cheeks when I remembered our moment in the car when he kissed my cheek. I swear my heart skipped a couple beats.

Did he really drive all the way here with me in his arms?

My heart warmed at the thought.
There was no doubt that i liked Ryder. I maybe even loved him. He was sweet and caring and fun to be around. I loved it that he was possessive over me. It made me wonder if maybe, just maybe, he liked me back. I blushed at the thought, then immediately erased it.

He could never like someone like me. I was his friend and nothing more.

I went to the bathroom, took a shower and changed into a cream oversized sweater and some black jeans.

I went to the bathroom, took a shower and changed into a cream oversized sweater and some black jeans

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I opened the room door and headed down the stairs. I was about to head into the kitchen to look for the boys but then a voice made me stop.

"She can't know the truth. Not now, not ever"

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