Chapter 57

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"Dori hey" Dennis greeted me with a hug as soon as i had stepped into the house behind Ryder. Micah gave me a hug and a kiss on the forehead after Dennis released me. Ryder gave him a warning glare for the kiss he gave but Micah just laughed lightly and shrugged him off before kissing my forehead again. Ryder shoved him away from me and wrapped his arm around my waist possessively and pulled me towards him. With my back pressed against his chest and his arms around my waist, he rested his head on my shoulder and let out a content sigh. I had to resist the strong urge to roll my eyes while Micah and Dennis just chuckled at his behavior.

"Any news on Kruz?" He asked.

Dennis sighed and shook his head. "He's still not answering any of our calls or texts" he answered. " It didn't go straight to voicemail so I don't think his phone died or anything. So I'm left to conclude that he's either purposely avoiding us or something's happened" Dennis explained.

"He Knows that this isn't the time to be away from us without some form of communication, so I think that maybe something has happened. I called the guys at the base to let them know. They're looking into it as we speak" Micah filled in.

I furrowed my brows. "What do you mean 'this isn't the time'" I asked, confusion lacing my tone. "Has something happened?"

I watched as they exchanged looks with each other and I heard Ryder let out a heavy sigh. "Don't worry about it" he said as he rubbed my arms gently. I hate it when they did that. Why did they still feel the need to hide things from me? Do they not trust me? I know they always say they don't want me to worry, but isn't it already too late for that?

I sighed and pulled out of his arms. "If you don't trust me then just say it" I said in a tone that came out a bit more harsh than i intended it to. I knew that it wasn't exactly the most appropriate time to throw a tantrum considering that Kruz was missing, but I really hated the feeling of being kept in the dark and they knew that. Everything on the table, they said. Friends tell each other everything, they said.

"Princess, please," Micah took one of my hands in his large ones and gave it a gentle squeeze. "Trust us when we say that everything is fine for now, but it wont be that way for long if we don't find Kruz-"

"We've been searching for your father" Dennis interrupted with a blank tone. There was a momentary pause as I turned around to face him. "We've been keeping in contact with each other at all times ever since the attack on Ryder. We don't want something like that to happen again considering we've been delving deeper in his business"

" Why don't you just kick me in the mouth next time around then, since you were so eager to tell her everything" Micah scoffed. But I didn't pay much attention to his comment since Dennis had caught me off guard with his.

The words didn't register at first, because I simply couldn't believe what I had just heard; I didn't want to, because believing it would make it true, and it couldn't be true, could it. Didn't I specifically tell them not to get involved with this feud between my father and I? Yes, I did tell them, I'm sure I did. Then why am I now hearing that they did get themselves involved even after I told them not to? Was I even hearing right?


"You promised" I interrupted Ryder as I turned to face him with an accusing glare as my brain started processing what was being said to me. "You promised me. You all did! You promised me you'd stay away! Why can't you, for once, just LISTEN TO ME?!"

"Dori, please," Micah put his hand on my shoulder and looked at me with pleading eyes. "Calm down"

Oh, he has some nerve-

"We're sorry" Dennis said before I had the chance to hurt Micah. "But we couldn't just sit back and wait while your father planned against you. It's our job to protect you. We had to try to stop him before-"

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