Chapter 29

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"Miss Walker" I jolted up in high alert at the sound of my name being called.


I fell asleep again. This was the forth class I had fallen asleep in.

I rubbed my eyes in an attempt to get rid of the sleepiness. The lack of sleep from the previous nights were really taking a toll on me.

I looked up at the teacher at the front of the class. "Yes sir" I said lazily while suppressing a yawn.

He gave me a disapproving look and then sighed. "Class has ended. You're free to leave"

I looked around the room, my eyes searching for students but they were met with empty desk and chairs. The only persons inside the classroom were me and the teacher.

I lowered my head as my cheeks heated up in embarrassment. I was pretty sure that I resembled a tomato. I took up my bag and headed towards the door but just as I was about to exit, he grabbed my wrist forcing me to turn around.

I was met with a worried look in his grey eyes. "Are you ok Dorian?" He asked looking genuinely concerned.

I gave him a small smile. "I appreciate your concern sir but you shouldn't be worrying about me. I'm fine" I said to him while gently pulling my hand from his grip.

I understood why he would get worried. I was his best student. I had exceptional grades, I never missed school a day in my life, I was always on time for my classes and I never, never sleep in any of his classes, or any class for that matter.

"If school work is making you stressed then I suggest that you take a break and relax a bit. Mid terms are not for a couple of weeks. You need to get some rest and try not to work so hard. You're an amazing student and you'll do well no matter what happens" I almost let out a laugh at his words. Of course he would think that school work was bothering me. I'm a nerd. If I appear even the slightest bit stressed, people would automatically jump to conclusions that it was because of school work.

Because nerds don't have any other problems right?

Please note my sarcasm.

I nodded my head and the teacher, mumbled a soft 'thank you' and left the classroom.

I headed to my locker and as soon as I arrived, I took out my phone and dialed Ryder's number. Of course it went straight to voicemail.

It had been the 47th time I called his phone and he didn't pick up even once. I wanted to call the other guys but I didn't have their numbers so I was stuck with calling Ryder.

I hadn't seen any of them all day. School was almost out and I was beginning to get worried. I thought that if they were going to be absent from school they would've at least called me to tell me. I mean, we were friends after all.

Just as I was about to give up and put my phone in my pocket, I heard hushed tones in the hallway. I looked up and saw that everyone was looking at me.

What did I do this time?

Then they're expressions melted into those of surprise and...fear?

I turned around and finally saw what they were looking at. There they were. Dennis, Micah and Ryder were walking down the hallway in their leather jackets like they own the school.

What the hell? Do they even know what time it is?

Dennis was the first one to make eye contact with me. As soon as he did, his face lit up into a grin.

I didn't smile back. Instead,I crossed my arms over my chest and gave him a look that could kill. As soon as he caught sight of my expectation, his grin washed off his face.

The boys soon made it to me. They all held unreadable expressions.

"Hey Dori" Micah said.

"Where the hell were you guys?" I snapped at him.

"Woah. Looks like someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed this morning" Dennis said with an arrogant smirk.

I glared at him and he rolled his eyes and sighed. "Relax princess. We just had some business to take care of."

"Business? What kind of business? And where is Kruz?" I added, suddenly realizing the absence of my friend.

Dennis scratched the back of his head and Micah avoided my eyes. That left me with Ryder, who was just staring at me.

"What's going on?" I asked him, confusion written all over my face. It was obvious that they were hiding something from me. I wanted to know what.

He let out a heavy sigh and ran a hand threw his hair. "Kruz had some family business he had to take care of so we were just helping him out. We lost track of time, that's why we're so late" he explained.

"What happened to your phone? I was calling you and it went straight to voicemail"

"Battery died" he said with a straight face.

Something felt off. Like they weren't telling me something. Their body language said it all.

Aren't friends supposed to tell each other everything?

This was the second time they tried to hide something from me. I didn't like it. The look I gave them made it rather obvious that I didn't believe a word they were saying. Just as I was about to ask them to tell me the truth, the bell rang.

"Well, I guess we should get going to class then" Dennis said quickly. He let out a relieved sigh then quickly turned on his heels and went down the hallway.

The Micah followed after him, leaving me with Ryder, who, might I add, was still staring at me.


"You're really beautiful" he whispered.

My heart stopped for a moment. Then it started beating again, but at a much, much faster pace. My mouth was agape and my eyes were the size of saucers.

He thought I was pretty?

I felt a blush creep up my cheeks as I lowered my head. He must've noticed it because he shook his head as if snapping himself out of a trance.

"I-I'm sorry if I made you uncomfortable. I shouldn't have said that" he said shaking his head once more.

He was regretting telling me that I was pretty. And I was such a fool for actually believing that I was.

I was anything but pretty.

Stupid! Idiot. He doesn't think you're pretty. He never will. Stop dreaming and start living in reality you piece of shit.

My eyes were downcast as I refused to look up at him. "It's fine" I whispered to him. "I should get going"

"Uh yeah. Right. I'll see you tomorrow" he said.

I didn't answer.

Instead, I turned on my heel and walked down the hall to my next class.

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