Chapter 50

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Dori's POV

What was he doing here?

Ryder noticed the look on my face and looked at me with confusion and a hint of concern.

"What wrong baby?" He resumed the action of rubbing  my arms up and down.

I turned to him. I could barley see his face because of the lack of lights in the club. "I-I thought I saw someone"

His face instantly became rigid and hard. "Is it your father?" He growled out. "If it is, so help me God-"

"No!" I said before he got to the point that I really didn't want to hear. "It's not my father. It's.....Mason"

Even though the lights in the club were dim, I could still see the look of confusion and shock that washed over his face, but it went away we quick as it came. "Maybe he has ties to a gang, like I said"

"Who could he possibly have ties with?" I questioned.

"I don't know baby. They are alot of gangs here. Over 100 different gangs are present. It could be anyone of them"

I turned and looked back to where I saw them enter. They weren't there. Maybe they went somewhere else. I decided to shake away the thought of them and just enjoy the club.
After a few minutes of partying around with Ryder, Dennis, Kruz and Micah came and joined us. We talked and laughed about random topics.

Ryder had gotten me a strawberry drink with very little alcohol in it since I told him that I didn't want to get drunk. Dennis however, was really hitting it off with vodka shots. He was already starting to get tipsy.

"Oh my God!" We heard him exclaim all of a sudden.

"What is it Denny boy?" Micah asked him, pursing his lips to hold in a laugh that was threatening to come out because of Dennis' facial expression.

Dennis lifted a finger and pointed to a spot in mid air. "Look at the hippos" he said breathlessly. He downed another shot of vodka then went to the spot he pointed at and knelt there, staring at midair, then held out his hands as if he was holding something.

He turned to us with a wide grin. "Guys, come look at the yellow hippos!"

We all gave a chuckle at his remark. He was definitely drunk. Just as I was about to head towards him, I felt a tap on my shoulder. I turned and my eyes grew as wide as saucers at what I saw.

Mason stood in front of me with his hands stuffed in his pockets, wearing a guilty and regretful expression-well it looks like once since I can barely see his face because of lighting.

"Umm.." he scratched the back of his neck sheepishly. Nervous are we? " Can I talk to you for a second?" He asked, then cleared his throat. "It's important"

Ryder immediately came and stood in front of me like a shield. A very large shield in fact. His broad back blocked my veiw of everything.

"She's not going anywhere with you" he growled at Mason.

"Hey, what's going on?" I heard Micah ask as he came over to us. I looked back to see Kruz kneeling beside Dennis and looking at me questioningly. I simple shrugged my shouldera and turned back around to see that Ryder had shifted slightly to the side so I could see Mason's face.

"Look man, I really don't want any trouble" Mason said, holding up his hands in surrender. "I just wanna talk to her"

"Yeah, well she doesn't want to talk to you, so back off " Micah said, and pushed him backwards for emphasis that he should leave.

However, surprisingly, he didn't turn to leave like I thought he would. "I'd prefer to hear that from her" he said narrowing his eyes at the boys. They all turned to look at me with expectant looks. Micah and Ryder expecting me to say no and Mason pleading for me to say yes.

"I'm sorry Mason, now's not a good time" I spoke up. I was having a great night and I didn't want to ruin it by going with him and this ends up being some kind of sick joke.

I turned to walk away when I felt him grab my arm. I turned to look back at him in shock. Ryder shoved him and growled. "Don't fucking touch her"

Mason, however, ignored him and took another step forward. "Dorian please" he begged.

Damn, he seems desperate.

With the look he was giving, me being the softie I was, found it hard to say no. I crossed my arms. "Why should I listen to you?"

"Look, I know I shouldn't he asking you for anything. You don't owe me anything. I don't even deserve your time of day-"

"Damn right you don't" Micah mumbled, interrupting him.

"But..." Mason continued, ingoring Micah's comment. "Dorian, would I risk coming over here to talk to you in front of these guys? Especially after what happened last time?" He threw a glare at Ryder, referring to the time he beat him up. Ryder smirked at the memory

As much as I wanted nothing to do with Mason, I couldn't help but feel as if I should hear him out. He was right. He really didn't deserve my time of day and I owed him nothing, but why would come all the way over here and risk getting beat up by Ryder again if it wasn't something important.

They said that curiosity killed the cat but then  again, cats have nine  lives. So in the end, I ended up saying, "Fine"

Micah and Ryder's eyes widened at my answer while a small smile played on Mason's face making me immediately regret my answer.

"You're not serious"

"Are you crazy?!"

I sighed and rolled my eyes. "I'm just gonna hear him out, that's all"

"No!" Micah exclaimed. "You're not going anywhere by yourself with him"

I sighed. "It's not really your decision to make Micah. I understand your concern but I'll be fine. And, I won't be alone. I'll have you guys to watch over me...from a distance"

Ryder's angry blue eyes captured mine. He stared at me intimidatingly, wanting me to back out of my decision but I stood my ground. I was actually interested to hear what could've caused Mason to come over here to beg to talk to me. After a few moments of our staring contest, Ryder turned his head away, realizing that he'd lost.

He turned to Mason and grabbed him by his collar. "If you lay even a finger on her, I will kill you and sell your kidneys" he growled menacingly. I swore I saw Mason tremble a bit.

He nodded his head. "Yeah man, I get it"

Ryder let go of him forcefully causing him to stumble backwards a bit. I shook my head and started walking towards a secluded corner of the club .

"Don't go too far!" I heard Micah yell. "We'll be watching you"

Mason arrived at my side and I felt his gaze on me. Without turning to look at him, I mumbled "what?" In an annoyed tone.

"Thank you for deciding to hear me out" I could feel the smile on his face which made me roll my eyes in annoyance at him.

I really shouldn't be doing this.

"Let's just hurry up and get this over with" I said as we stopped in the corner.

"Yeah, right" Mason scratched the back of his head. "Look, I know you might not believe anything I'm about to say but please just listen. You have to trust me on this. I even have proof."

Now I was more than curious. What could he possibly have to tell me?

"Ok.." I said hesitantly. "What is it?"

He took in a deep breath.

I was not ready for what he said next. My heart stopped beating at the sound of the words.

"I think we are related"

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