Chapter 40

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"Dennis, can I have two hundred dollars?"

Dennis momentarily choked on his soda as he looked up at his friend, shock written all over his face. "T-two hundred do-" he exclaimed. "What happened to the five hundred dollars that I gave to you this morning Kruz?"

Kruz rocked on the balls of his feet and gave Dennis a sheepish look.

"I spent it"

"You spent it on what?" Dennis asked sternly, like a father scolding a child.


"You-you spent five hundred dollars on bread?!" He exclaimed as he shot out of his seat on the couch.

"Not just bread silly" Kruz waved off the matter and scoffed as if it was the most absurd thing anyone could have ever said. "I also bought Nutella, and peanut butter and jelly" then he paused, hesitantly. " And I may or may not have given a poor, homeless guy fifty dollars" he gave a nervous smile at the end.

"You did what?!" Dennis practically screamed. "Are you out of your mind! You don't just go around spending tons of money on bread and Nutella then give your change to some-some stranger!"

"What should it matter to you anyways? You're rich! You are filthy rich!"

Dennis put on a blank expression. "I feel as if our friendship is a lie"

"It is not, stop being dramatic" Kruz said with a roll of his eyes. "Now can I please have two hundred dollars?" Kruz asked as he pulled the puppy dog eyes move at Dennis. The poor dude sighed and took his wallet out of his pocket and fished out two hundred dollars and gave it to Kruz.

"I hope you choke on it and die" Dennis said through gritted teeth as he handed the money over.

"Wow. Thanks friend" Kruz said sarcastically as he snatched the money from his hands.

I chuckled at the two boys. Their friendship never ceases to amaze me.

"Come on Dori"

I looked up in shock at the sound of my name. My eyes met the chocolate brown ones of Kruz. "W-w-what?"

"Where are you taking her?" Ryder asked, curiosity and hint of over protectiveness could be heard in his voice.

Kruz smiled a sweet smile.

"I'm taking her to meet my mom"
I stood in front of the white door of the two story white house. Kruz's house was beautiful to say the least.

Walking through the golden gates, I was immediately met with the beautiful scenery. The driveway had a garden on each side filled with beautiful pink, red, yellow and white flowers. There were bushes trimmed out into different shapes like dogs, fountains, elephants, faces and some were swirled. There were also a few shrubs here and there.

Then there was the house in the middle of the huge garden. The white two story house stood tall, looming over us. On the porch, there were a few chairs and one of them was a rocking chair. The door was white with golden intricate designs.  The whole look gave the house a welcoming look.

The boys had all decided to accompany me and Kruz to see his mother. They all thought it would be good to see her again plus, if I ever get into any uncomfortable situations, knowing how socially awkward I can be, they would be there to get me out. I had never met her before and was slightly nervous so I started fidgeting and playing with my hands and also twirling just hair in my fingers.

With my newfound, temporary disorder, it was also brought to my attention that my attention span may be limited from time to time and this time was one if those times. I started looking everywhere else but on the door in front of me, completely ignoring the boys' attempts to calm me.

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