Chapter 48

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Dori's POV

I turned my head to the side to look at the clock for the millionth time.


I sighed and shut my eyes. I hadn't gotten a minute of sleep that night. Thoughts of my father plagued my mind.

I always knew somewhere in the back of my head that something like this would happen. But I guess the hope that I had had clouded my vision and made me lose sight of the inevitable. I had somewhat dropped my expectations of my father and didn't really focus on the damage he could cause.

But now that it had happened, i wasn't prepared. I could barely think properly. My sliver of hope that had somewhat existed before was completely diminished now. I couldn't escape the wrath of my father. He was too smart and skillful to let me. And who Am I, a little teenager who's a victim of bullying thinking I can outsmart a brilliant gang leader who knows how exactly to use things to his advantage to get what he wants.

He was a gang leader after all.

And he was also my father.

He was ruthless and cruel when it came to getting what he wanted. And what he wanted was revenge. Revenge that only I could give him.

It took all night for the realization to hit me that I was on my own. As much as I wanted their help, I couldn't let them get caught up in what my father and I were supposed to settle. Ryder already got shot because of it. I couldn't live with myself if anymore of them got hurt.

This was my fight.  A fight I would have to fight on my own.

I sighed deeply once more after what seemed like 2 hours of dwelling in my thoughts once more.

I turned my head to the side and looked at the clock again.


You have got to be shitting me.

I sighed in frustration. I felt a movement on my tummy and looked down to see that Ryder's have had moved ever so slightly up my stomach. His hand had held me in place all night as he snuggled into me. He was like a big teddy bear.

I looked over at his beautiful face and saw him sleeping peacefully. A lick of hair fell on his forehead and I used the tip of my fingers to brush it away. I then used one finger tip to trace the outline of his face. From his forehead to his cheek bones to his sharp cut jawline and back again.

I was so fascinated with tracing that I didn't even realise the Pair of piercing blue eyes that were staring at me.

"I could get use to waking up like this every morning" his accent dripping in every word.

I pulled back my hand in surprise which he grabbed gently and placed a soft kiss on my palm.

I blushed and looked at the sheets. "H-how long have you b-been awake?" I asked softly feeling embarrassed that he can me doing that.

"Not very long" he chuckled. "Don't worry. You don't have to he embarrassed about it. I liked it" he gave me a small smile which I returned with a shy one.

I turned to get off the bed when Ryder stopped me. "Where are you going?" He asked.

"I'm going to make breakfast" I answered.

"Nooo" he groaned. "Come back to bed and cuddle with me" he whined, pulling on my arm like a kid.

I chuckled at his childish behavior. "You're such a kid" I giggled.

"Am not!"he said defiantly while crossing his arms over his chest and giving a little pout.

I laughed at it. "You literally just proved my point" I tapped his nose with my index then proceeded to get off the bed. He was too cute.

But before my feet could touch the ground, Ryder pulled my hand and pulled me back unto the bed then immediatley rolled on top of me, locking me in place.

I gasped at the sudden change in position. I looked up at him and saw him grinning down at me.

"You my little princess" he started, brushing a lock of my hair out of my face. "Are gonna be punished for trying to leave me alone in bed" he whispered in my ear and I gasped softly at the tickle his hot breath fanned on the spot.

He leaned in closer and I thought he was going to kiss me so I quickly covered my mouth with my hands. He cocked his head to the side questioningly and a few locks of his hair fell onto his forehead.

"I have morning breath!" I yelled with frantic eyes. He just gave me an amused look and proceeded to kiss my eyes, my nose, my cheeks, then my neck and he trailed his kisses down to my stomach. I was a little nervous that he would go further.


I was interrupted as he blew a raspberry on my stomach. I burst out into a fit of giggles, still shocked at the strange turn of events. He tickled my sides then blew another raspberry on my stomach.

"S-stop" I laughed out loud as he hit an intense tickle spot. I could barely catch my breath because of all the laughing.

"Now say you're sorry" Ryder said as if he was talking to a little child.

"I-I'm....s-sorry" I forced out between laughs. "S-s-stop! P-please"

Ryder laughed and blew another raspberry on my tummy. Another fit of giggles escaped my mouth.

"Now tell me you love me"

"I-I! Stop!" As soon as I said that, he stopped tickling me and grinned so wide it would put the Cheshire cat to shame.

"I love you too" he said leaning to kiss my lips but I pushed him away and rolled off the bed.

"Morning breath!" I yelled as I stumbled to get up off the ground and go to the bathroom.

His rich laughter filled the room as I hurried into the bathroom and shut the door.

He is surely going to be the death of me.

That is, if my father doesn't get to me first.

I shook the thought out of my head. I wouldn't ruin my morning with the thoughts that had haunted me all night. So with a heavy sigh, I stripped off my clothes and went in the shower.

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