Chapter 5

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The bell finally rung indicating the end of our class and the beginning of lunch.

I didn't eat lunch in the cafeteria, so I headed to the back of the school.


Well first of all, I had no where to sit, and since everyone is disgusted by me, I'm pretty sure no one wants me to sit anywhere near them in the cafeteria.

Second, the last time I ate in the cafeteria, everyone took it up on themselves to throw their food at me.

Third, I can't really eat anywhere else in the school except at my secret spot by the almond tree at the back of the school, so that's why I went there.

But little did I know that there was another skyscraper who decided to take up residence there.

From a little distance behind the tree, I could make out someone sitting there, their back turned towards me.

No one ever came here. No one. So seeing someone here in my spot was a bit weird for me.

I walked up to where the person was sitting, taking slow, cautious steps.

Finally I reached up to the person. I recognized him as one of the skyscrapers that were in the hallway this morning.

I reached my hand out to tap his shoulder and the next thing I knew, I was lying on my back on the ground groaning in pain.

"Shit!" I heard the guy say. I looked up at his hand on my wrist, squeezing hard.

He followed my eyes and looked at my wrist and let go of it as if it had burned him. I cradled my wrist in my other hand while listening to the guy curse a string of curse words.

"I am so, so sorry." He said and held out his hand for me to take.

I didn't take it of course, and got up by myself, still cradling my wrist.

"I'm really sorry. I thought... I thought you were someone else"

"I-i-it's fine. It was m-m-my fault for sneaking up on you like t-t-that" I assured him.

He gave me a soft smile, which I didn't return. Instead, I looked down at my hand.

His hand print was on my hand. It was red.

"Let me see that" he said and gently took my bruised hand in his.

He inspected in briefly and I winced when he touched the spot that hurt the most.

"Shit! Sorry"

I drew my hand back from him.

He sighed and ran a hand through his shoulder length dark brown hair. He looked at me with his brown eyes.

"What's your name?" He asked.


A look of recognition flashed through his eyes.

"Oh, your the girl that Dennis and Kruz were talking about"

I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion. Dennis and Kruz were talking about me? Well, I know Dennis, but who's Kruz? And why were they talking about me? Were they saying something bad?

Of course it was something bad Dori. Have you forgotten who you are? They both probably hate you like everyone else in this school.

"I'm sorry, I d-d-don't understand what you m-mean. W-who's Kruz?"

"Oh it's nothing. Nevermind that." He brushed off the matter as if it was nothing. "My name's Micah and it's nice to meet you Dorian" he said with a serious look on his face.

I gave him a small nod and turned to pick up my bag from the ground.

"Well, um.. I g-guess I should g-get going t-then" I said awkwardly while stuttering a little.

I normally stutter when I'm lying nervous, afraid, shy or in this case, when I'm talking to people.

"Yea. And sorry about your hand,again"

I gave him a small smile, then left.

Well that was awkward. I just hope he doesn't make it a habit to be in my spot every lunch time.

As I headed to the library on the other side of the school, I was hoping and praying that I wouldn't stumble up on anymore of the new boys.

Hopefully God would answer my prayer this time.

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