Chapter 11

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I jolted awake as the school bell rang indicating the end of the class.

I didn't even realize that I had fallen asleep.

My eyelids felt heavy as I packed my bag and dragged myself towards my second class for the day.

I went to my locker and took out the books that I would need for chemistry and then I closed it.

When I did, I saw a small, folded paper fall out onto the ground.

I knelt down and picked it up and saw that it was a note from the boys.

The smooth, cursive handwriting read:

Meet us in the boys' locker room after school. We need to show you something.

The boys.

I folded the note and put it in the back pocket of my jeans and then walked to class.

I wonder what they wanted to show me.

As I walked down the hall, I felt someone kick me and push me.

I turned and saw a boy with blonde hair and blue eyes cover his mouth in a failed attempt to keep himself from laughing out loud.

Another one did the same as the first boy and kicked me twice and pushed me to the ground.

I heard laughter from all around me as I looked up into the faces of the students that were circling me on the ground.

They all smirked at me and then I started feeling kicks all over.

I let out small cries of pain as I held up my hands to cover my face.

"Hey!" A male voice boomed throughout the hallway. At first I thought it was one of the teachers, but then the voice that spoke after him told me otherwise. In fact, the voice actually sounded quite familiar.

"Get your filthy shoes off of her now or I swear I'll break all of your feet and hurt you so bad that your parents feel it!" The other voice said.

Nope. Definitely not a teacher.

I looked up and saw a few people backing away from me. One of the boys backing away said with a frightened look on his face "my parents are in Mexico"

After a few seconds, all the students dispersed and went their separate ways.

A few seconds later, the heads of the four news boys popped up in front of me.

Kruz held out his hand to help me up and I took it. With seemingly no effort at all, Kruz successfully pulled me up and I barely had to use any of my strength to help. He was really strong.

Well, what did you expect Dori, look at his muscles.

I found my eyes trailing over to look at his muscles.

They were huge.

Focus Dori!

I felt a pair of hands cup my face and I looked up in to a pair of chocolate brown eyes.

"Are you ok?" Kruz asked softly.

"I'm fine" I replied in a slightly shaky voice.

His eyes roomed over my body to check if I had any injuries and found none.

Dennis held out a bottle of water for me to take.

I looked at him then at the bottle of water then back at him.

"I can't take that Dennis, it's yours" I say to him.

" I don't need it Dori. You can have it. You need it more than I do right now. Take it" he said.

"Why would you give it to me?" I asked, still confused as to his act of kindness.

He smirked, then gave me a small smile. "That's what friends are for"

I returned his small smile with one of my own and took the water from him and gulped it down.

"Are you sure you're ok? I can really go break their legs if you want. Just say the word" Micah said, his eyes showing concern as well as anger.

I take it that he was the one that threatened to break their legs so that their parents would feel it.

"Relax Micah. She's fine. They didn't hurt her" Ryder said, putting a comforting hand on his friend's shoulder. His blue eyes flickered  over to me. "Come on, let's get you cleaned up and ready for class ok?"

I nodded and allowed the boys to walk me down the hallway.
After the incident in the hallway in the morning, no one said anything to me or made any move to touch me or kick me. In fact, people barely glanced at me for the entire school day.

I guess Micah's words must have threatened them enough for them to back off.


After school, I headed to my locker and placed my books inside, then I headed to the boys' locker room where they told me to meet them.

I wanted to ask them in the morning what they wanted to show to me but seeing as they told me to meet them after school in a place where no one would be around, I decided against it. Maybe they wanted to keep it a secret and I didn't want to ask and risk anyone hearing us.

I opened the door to the locker room and stepped inside the vast, empty space.

I didn't see the boys so I went around the back to where the lockers were and waited.

"Guys? Are you in here?" I called.

"They're not."I heard a male voice say from behind me. "But I am"

I turned around just in time to see Mason emerge from the shadows in the corner of the room.

"Hello Dorian" he said with a smirk and an evil glint in his eyes.

This was not what I expected.

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