Author's Note

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Uhm.....hello guys.

I know I've been gone for quite a long time now and I've basically been neglecting this story. I am really really sorry, it was never my intention to disappoint my readers.

It's just that I've been going through a rough patch. I had lost all interest in many activities, including writing and reading in general.

I had made up my mind that I would discontinue the story and just try to move on with my life.

But seeing the comments you guys have made and all the messages you've sent me really really touched my heart and made me realize how much I was disappointing you guys.

To be honest, it drove me further into the darkness that I was already in, but then I decided that I would do better. This is the only situation I really have control over so why not control it, right?

I'm here now to let you guys know that I WILL be finishing this story. I promise.

And I just want to let you guys know how much I really appreciate every single one of you. I hope you'll continue reading, and I will understand if you don't. But I promise to do my very best to write a lovely story for you guys. I hope you continue to enjoy the rest of the book.

So, until next time guys. I love you all❤️

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