Chapter 22

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I stood there frozen for a moment, unable to process the words that I just heard.

Your father is being released from jail.

My worst nightmare was coming true. He was coming back. They were letting him out.

My knees buckled underneath me and James quickly shot out his hands before my body collided with the strong, wooden floor.

He led me to sit on the soft, plush chair that I once sat on as the familiar stinging feeling began at the corner of my eyes.

I looked up at them with tears eyes. My body was trembling uncontrollably.

"W-w-when?" I managed to get the simple word out.

Caroline looked at James and sighed. "Tomorrow" she answered.

My heart stopped."T-tomorrow?"

"Yes Dorian but there's really no need to- Dorian?"she said looking at me with slight worry in her eyes. I was hyperventilating.


My cruel father was being released from jail tomorrow.

And he was coming for me. I knew it. He was coming back to finish what he had started.

He was going to kill me.

"Dorian relax" Caroline said as if knowing exactly what I was thinking.

"H-he's going to kill me" I said in a barely audible voice as a tear slipped down my cheek. "He's going to kill me" I said again, my voice cracking at the end as my throat started to to tighten. It was becoming very difficult to breathe.

James came over to me and placed his hands on my shoulder. "Dorian breathe" he said.

"I shook my head frantically as more tears began to fall from my eyes. I felt suffocated.

"Dorian you have to calm down ok?" James said as he started rubbing small circles on my shoulder. "Please just try and take in some deep breaths and relax"

I did as I was told and I eventually calmed down and sat back down in a daze. I looked up at them once more.

"H-he's going to be looking for me" I said to them, my body still trembling in fear of coming face to face again with the man who ruined my life when I was younger. The thought of what he would do to me when he found me sent shivers down my spine and made my blood run cold.

Caroline scoffed and rolled her eyes. "Oh get over yourself Dorian" she said. "What person in their right mind would come  out of jail to kill a person just to get locked up again? He's not coming for you"

She was right. No one in their right mind would come out of jail to commit a crime just to get thrown back in. But this was my father we were talking about. And he was not in his right mind.

"He's going to finish what he started!" I exclaimed trying to get them to believe me. "He's insane! Going back to jail doesn't mean anything to him. He has nothing else to lose, he will kill me when he finds me"

"Just shut up Dorian!" Caroline yelled in my face.  James stood up to calm her down but she shook him off. "You're not worth going to jail for, do you understand? He's not coming back to kill you. Believe me, if I were him, I certainly wouldn't. Hes not gonna waste his time looking for you. You're. Not. Worth. It"

I was crying rivers by now. I looked at her, my bottoms lip trembling. I let out a hurt and ran out of the office and into my room.

I closed the door and curled myself into a fetus position on the ground and cried my eyes out for the rest of the night.

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